Scanned through one of my earliest posts and found this.
This was taken last year with TheBetter! (Sylvester)
I still remembered I hanged out with boys. I'm like, one of the boys!
You wanna see his Bangz? LOL.
He was nicknamed as the "Kit-Kat Maniac", cause once he ate Kit-Kat, he'll get sugar rush and get SUPERBLY high! Like, really ki-siao kind of high, like me. Then sometimes we'll high together. HAHAH.
Peeps who plays Maple should know these expressions. F1-F9!
Hmm, this entry is gonna be interesting!
Firstly, though the 30 Day Photo Challenge thingy says "a" photo per day, but I'm gonna post quite a handful of pictures up! Old photos, duh~
Show you my "duh!" face.
Go try saying "duh" in front of the mirror and you'll definitely see your type of face! For me, I will some sort of "slash" through the air when I say "duh", just like the above picture! I wore the pink bling bling specs cause I feel must look bimbotic enough. HAHAH.
Oh yeah, back to the topic. We can be flexible right? Just one photo will be boring!
Anyway, friends of mine will get to see how you looked like before! And yes, we will all definitely go, "GOSH! MY HAIR!" LOL.
I shall start with...
how I looked two years before, which was Secondary three!
I remembered I was a TOTAL tomboy during my Secondary 3 year. Though I had long hair, but don't be deceived by it! Cause I don't wear sleeveless shirts like tanktop etc, don't make up, don't wear dresses, don't care about my looks, played basketball after school with boys till school closed, even engaged in soccer in my Lower Sec years! HATE PINK STUFFS. How could me, hating pink, possibly even happen?! But yes, it really did. I'm like Katy Perry's "One of the boys".
The clique of boys I hang out with during Secondary 3. Some BBQ party @ Yanrong's house.
That period I'm abit more girly already. But still not very.
Currently in love with that song! It reminded me of my boyish past. Hah! Go listen @ my mixpod above if you haven't! Notice the lyrics!
My standard look was the above - Pinned up fringe, hair tied up messily with a pink specs that I'm still wearing now. Will show you guys more tomboyish looks later.
This picture was taken @ Weijie's house. The church peepo celebrating birthday for the girl in the middle named Ras. She got crown lo! Steal my limelight! Steal my Princess!!
Date : 25 Oct '08, Saturday.
Cause OBS actually have LONG hair!!! Taken during Meisian brithday chalet! I even wore Owl's slippers! LOL.
Date : 14 Oct '08, Tuesday.
Also celebrate Meisian's birthday. But by going over to Amk's KFC. This was before the chalet.
THERE THERE. My everyday school look! See, mei pian ni bah!
I reckon that Cherie had the biggest difference in this picture compared to her current!
Then we all act one autistic kids. LOL.
We even went to the Pioneer swimming complex together! Hahah! But by this time, Obs cut her hair already.
Then don't know why Vanessay and Joey had the urge to use me as their doll and helped me make-up! It was my first time touching those stuffs.
And Shouliang's mummy did rebonding for me but it damaged my hair like, c.u.i!
Whatever. But look at the background! Pakcheong on the left and George on the right!
Alright, laugh finish already? Move on!
This was just last year, we both went to Humans remedial. Then afterwards, she accompanied me to cut my bangs! LOL, WE'RE SO ACT CUTE.
Hmm, did her looks change? DEFINITELY! Want bet?! 5 bucks!

Last time so kiddy. Now grow up already eh. Hah! You lost the bet. Now owe me 5 bucks ah!
Then this was after the bangs cutting Vanny accompanied me! So Xue Er and I were once the BangzBangz!
And then got girlfriend! At this point of time in my life, I've turned quite girly as you can see. If you noticed carefully, you could even tell I put on slight make up!
Last but not least, Lynn Darling!
Knew this girl existed only when I entered Secondary 5! So naturally this was taken this year. Clearly, I've transformed from one of the boys, to one of the girls.
All these 4 babes are ♥-ed!
Then there was prom last year! And this is Asyraf, my singing partner!
And girlfriend + Mr.Fahmy.
I wore my prom dress twice in my lifetime so far! The second time was Xiu Ying's birthday @ some atas Country Club.
Birthday girl!
And Weijie, Xiu Ying's brother.
Well, that's about all. But right, this year maybe no prom eh! Cause very few people wanna go.
It's like, one if a lifetime thing unless you can go JC and promote successfully! Hopefully, there's prom again, for this year! But for now, I've gotta concentrate on my O's first.
This is probably the last entry I'll post, really! LOL. Gonna chiong studies for these last few days. I'm those, bu jian guan cai bu diao lei type. Loosely translated in English as, "Won't scared till you see your coffin." kind.
Sidenote : Vanessa compliment my blog! Hey babe, I'm glad I cheered you up! Here's something for you anyway! You see already CONFIRM will laugh, or at least smile! Read how clumsy you are, FOREVER breaking things!
Our little video. HAHAHAH.
Oki! I hope you guys enjoyed this post!