Monday, November 10, 2008


finally, vanessa's wish was fulfilled! she wanted to watch this movie called "The Ruins" with me badly. hahaha, she said she was scared as the movie was categorised as horror. the cover and back of the disc,





anyway, it's like so not scary at all! i was just utterly disgusted by the scientific stuffs like the cutting of the legs. cause there's this one man called Matthias who fell down and broke his back and leg and therefore, paralysing him, making him unable to move. but because there was no good medication received, his leg was infected and had to CUT IT OFF. the scene was just horrendous lah! eww..

okay, after that, vanessa broke my brother's cup accidentally while getting up after the movie has ended. the handle totally broke off and the two of us panicked. decided to use super glue to stick it back!

the elephant brand super glue and the fixed cup.

but my brother was clever and found out cause i told him. hehe, he was not angry! he just calmly said "throw away lah. also useless already." and so, while fixing the cup, we kenna some super glue on our fingers. the feeling was like rough and uncomfortable. tried to get it off by...






thinner! it worked a little lah.

darlie colgate. abit never work.

& this gatsby hair gel!

i think after the combination of all three, the superglue stuck on our fingers somehow came off after a couple of hours. magical right!
so we went to Bugis with yanrong, junhao and pakcheong. planned to buy those fake nails yah. saw an offer, 3 for $10. LOL, as it was really cheap, the two of us then bought it to just try it out lah. cause never try before then like abit cool eh. no harm trying right. AND MY BROTHER SAID I WAS VAIN. woohoooo.

fake nails. LOL.

vanessa <3
my marvellous story ends here. (: