Wednesday, November 3, 2010

One week break!



If you smellllllll~ What DOLLY, IS, COOKING!!!! LOL.

Oki, apologies. Kinda hyped up since exams feel like it's over! Why? Cause my next paper starts one week later, which is Social Studies. Yeah, weird schedule, I know. So irritating! Why can't they just set the dates consecutively? It's true that we would have extra time to prepare for our exams, but it also means extra worries for one week as well! Imagine tension being built up with each passing day. *Roll eyes. Whatever!

Anyway, I'm still glad.
Cause Humanities and Language is kinda like my forte. Science and Math are the ones that gives me nothing but headaches. Oh well, it's all over now! Only Social Studies and Science MCQ left. MCQ should be easy, since we have at least 1/4 probability of getting the correct answer, unlike structured questions.

I've been mugging like crazy lo! It's torturous for a pig like me oki! As most paper occurs during the afternoon, it suit my nocturnal habits perfectly. I will mug till dawn breaks, till the triumphant sun rays light the dark skies up, chasing away any ominous signs. Then I'll lie on my couch and have a two hour rest before mugging again. And drink Chickem Essence, but it doesn't seem to boost my energy level leh. Thus, I have dark eye circles now. :( But too bad, cause I deserve it! Who ask me don't wanna study and concentrate in classes earlier, now have to suffer lah. So people, don't be like me okay! Cause you're so gonna regret it.

However, all these last minute revisions did help. I am able to do all papers beside Physics. The paper was tough compared to last year lo! :(

Despite mugging so hard, I admit I'm a tad bit slack. Cause I still watched the drama I've been wanting to, titled Personal Taste. It's a Korean drama and starred Lee Minho lo! The male lead for Boys Over Flowers!

Sho cute!

Okay, but that's not the main thing I wanna blog today. I wanna say I'm not going prom already. :(

I feel it's a waste of money and it would not be awesome! I rather spend the money on food. HAHAH.

However, I was ecstatic and felt uberly excited for prom before I decided not to go lah, duh


So I went to Youtube and checked out the hairstyles suitable for such formal event and tried learning make-up through these videos. LOL. I really don't know how to make up! Cause I don't make up usually as I'm lazy, and I don't see the need to, yet. But after watching those videos, I had the urge to try leh.

So this is my end product. READY?!

Pinky promise not to laugh uh!


I ended up playing actually. Cause I was bored during the wee hours and had nothing better to do other than studying. So I pretended my face was a piece of drawing paper and just anyhow play with my face.

Wait, still got more.

You CONFIRM cannot do this face. One eye is smiling and the other is full of hatred. Cause I can't do it either! I edited it through paint. I don't know/have photoshop. Hahah! I merely copy paste the angry eye and substitute my left smiling eye. LOL. As you can see, I spam blusher!

What does this look like?

Angel VS Devil?

Teeeheeeeeee. I like the Left picture!

Oki, that's all for my so-called make up. It was quite entertaining though, and fun! 


By the way, did I mention I like ribbons? I planned to have this hairdo for prom but, oh well.

Oki, the photo damn act cute. HAH.

Sidenote : Lynn, Vanessa and I are gonna have a complete makeover on the 13th Nov, one day after O's officially ends! We're gonna dye our hair and transform bare, plain nails to beautifully gorgeous ones. Yesh, manicure, you got it right! Will definitely show you guys our transformation!

That's all for now. So, tata!