Wednesday, October 15, 2008


cheers! for exam has officially ended! WOOOOHOOO. (: okay, so vanessa, joey, me, pak cheong, junhao, shouliang and george decided to go to Bishan for some celebration by eating at pizza hut. but the time was 10am ._. pizza hut haven't open yet, boohoo... so we just went to foodcourt to grab some food to satisfy our hungry stomachs.

after eating, the girls including me wanted to sing k! HAHAHA, so we went to serangoon central's that budget KTV to sing till our voice were hoarse. (the boys didn't sing much and shouliang left earlier ._. ) hahaha, after the 2 hours were up, the girls again went to serangoon's mac to slack.

slack there not fun leh, somehow. so vanessa and joey suggested to change the location to joey's house downstairs that playground. WE HAD LOADS OF FUN THERE LAH. hahahaa! EH GIRLS, secrets okay! MUAHAHAHAHAAA. but i can let you all peek a few stuffs. (:

the celebration little movie vanessa and i made.....

hahahahaa! and then joey and vanessa helped me to make-up!!! :O shocked right! the noctorious and tomboy jiaxin ACTUALLY would make-up! but is they help me one lah. i'm just merely being their doll..... PHOTO TIME! don't shock okay? :D


can see my make up? LOL

side view!

alright, pretty right! credits go to.........

vanessa & joey!!! the make-up was
provided by JOEY TAN ZU ER <3

my make-up artist.1

my make-up artist.2
(notice my sexy eyes!)

alright, pictures time! :D

Blossom? Bubbles? Buttercup?

trios. (:

twinkle twinkle little star! *

okay, i shall compare the make-up photo and my normal school photo to see the difference i guess? hahahaha! enjoy? OOOOH. :D
make-up. VS normal school girl.

finally, this post is done ._______.