Saturday, October 16, 2010

30-Day Photo Challenge!

Click on photo to enlarge.

Found this picture in one of Lucy's post. She's the owner of Happy Monsters! who drew cute little doodles. :)

So this is about taking up a 30-Day Photo Challenge, whereby you'll have to post up a photo everyday according to the Days stated above. Hmm, I can't promise I'll be faithful and consistent! But it's worth a try I guess.

Day 1 - Your Facebook profile photo.

This is currently my FB profile photo!

Look retarded right. LOL. It's taken a year ago, in Vibe if I'm not wrong. Vibe is an event organised by my church that happens only once, the last Saturday of every month!

Oki, moving on! I like to "like" Facebook likes. And I chanced upon some funny quotes and I'm gonna share it with you guys! Hope it made you smile and laugh like I did. :)

Meaning for Bra-sizes.
A - Alright, time to get a boob job.
B - Barely there.
C - Can't complain.
E - Ew, they're way to big!
F - F**k, those cannot be real.
G - Good lord!
H - Hell no! Get that shit out of here!


"Stick and stone may break my bones, but words wll never hurt me."
"Oh really? I'll throw a dictionary at you then."

Dora The Explorer : What was your favourite part of the day?
Kids at home         : -Silent-
Dora The Explorer : That's my favourite part too!

Once, Rihanna pointed a gun in the face of Eminem.
Eminem said     : I'm not afraid!
Rihanna replied : I love the way you lie.

Edward isn't a Vampire. He lives in the forest, he doesn't eat people, and he sparkles. He's obviously a fairy!


Girl : I want to end our relationship. I'm going to return you everything you gave me.
Boy : Okay, let's start with the kisses.

Cool huh?

Dear boyfriend,
your girlfriend is cheating on you with me. I sleep with her every night and keeps her warm. She never wants to leave me.
Sincerely, her bed.

Roses are red. Violets are blue.
Faces like yours belong in the zoo.
Don't be mad, I'll be there too.
Not in the cage, but laughing at you!

Having a guy/girl break your heart and saying, "We can still be friends." is like your dog dying and your mom saying, "You can still keep it."

A husband and wife were trying to set up a new password for their computer. Her husband put in, "mypenis" and the wife fell on the ground laughing. Cause it said, "Error, not long enough."


He came to me one night. Explored my body, licked, sucked, swallowed! When satisfied, he left and I was hurt! Stupid mosquito!

Hey wait, isn't mozzies who bite are supposed to be female? Male mozzies feed on fruits! Hmm..

Age 3   : Don't leave the yard!
Age 5   : Don't leave the street!
Age 10 : Don't leave the neighbourhood!
Age 16 : Don't leave the state!

Age 6   : Mommy! I want to be a Princess when I grow up!
Age 9   : I want to be a singer.
Age 11 : I want to be a doctor.
Age 14 : I want to be a lawyer.
Age 17 : Man, I have no idea!

Cause this is what's happening to me! I'm currently 17 and I don't know what I want to be when I grow up! ._______.

Oki, that's all. Hopfully, all these brightened your day up and you can click this page away with a good mood and a smile! :)

I'm off to study nowwwww. Chemistry and maybe a little Maths! :/