Thursday, March 17, 2011


This post is entirely about me ranting. So go click "x" if you're not interested!

Although this happened two days ago and I should put things behind me, but I just cannot stand how people are such freaking cowards. I didn't post earlier cause my dad confiscated the modem LOL. But anyway, I suddenly remembered the whole incident and then got fired up. So I'm blogging to RANT.

I hope he reads this, seriously.

*There won't be any names mentioned, cause I'm superbly kind and just way too awesome.

It all started when Mimi went to stay overnight at Yucky's house. Firstly, Yucky passed his opinions rude comments on me behind my back saying my thighs are fat and I still dared to wear shorts to Mimi, and that he wanted to laugh at me when he first saw me. Yeah, it's true. My thighs are indeed fat due to lack of exercise. Then? So? All my other friends said it in front of my face, and I accepted it cause it's a fact. You wanna say me or what, tell that in front of my face. It's not like I can't take it or what, right? This was just a small thing, so it still didn't pissed me off that much. I just took it as he's embarrassed to tell me.

What really went overboard was when Yucky tried to psycho Mimi to break off with LILI. "This kind of Fei-Mei, you sure you really want her?" Yucky asked Mimi in a very irritating tone. That was not the exact words Yucky said, but it was somewhere along that line lah.

Not only that, Yucky created a story and told Mimi about this two girls called Lili and XiaoFang. Lili was obviously me, and XiaoFang was a girl Mimi met in poly. The story was so fantastic it could be made into a movie. _|_

"Lili's your girlfriend and XiaoFang was your classmate. Lili had long hair, fat and didn't wear specs. XiaoFang had short hair and wore specs, quite skinny. Lili was the kind of girl that when she cooked fried rice for you, she burnt her finger accidentally and came crying to you. While XiaoFang was the kind of girl who will be supporting you silently. 

One day, Lili and you quarreled and XiaoFang was there listening to you attentively. XF and you did projects together and were very happy, while Lili was always jealous about you talking to girls. Then one day, Lili and XF disappeared. Who will you choose then?"

And to Yucky, if you're reading this. You know who you are. And if you're reading this, I just want you to know that all the words I typed in my "open column" and made them italic, I typed them with my middle finger, and I seriously did.

FURTHERMORE, Yucky still said many things behind my back to Mimi. I didn't even do anything to him and he just kept shooting missiles at me?! He even accused me and assumed I was materialistic, etc etc when he don't even know me. Eh BOY, you only know my name, not my story. So shut the crap up, okay? You don't even know anything, not a single shit.

To add on, he bought me this BodyShop body soap for I don't know what. It was just a random gift. LOL, such a weirdo. But I don't want to accept this gift. So I gave it to Mimi, since he loves BodyShop's shower gels. Like, why the heck you buy me things when you don't even like me, right?

And the best thing was that he told Mimi this, "Jiaxin uh, won't say Thank You to me that I bought this shower gel for her one. You don't trust me? We shall see lor." This sentence was not the best part yet. The funny thing is whenever he treat me to meals, even one expensive meal to sorta celebrate my birthday, EVERYTIME AT THE END OF THE FREAKING MEAL, I THANKED HIM. And Mimi said that I don't even need to thank him and spare the formalities but I just thanked cause I know it's manners. So what the hell are you talking about?

Now for the real deal. Yucky is an adult. But he's still acting this way?! I know that age is but a number, but certainly it represents something as well?! Initially, I respected you cause you're the elder and you treat Mimi like, FANTABULOUSLY EXAGGERATING kinda good. But now, my respect and view on you totally became zero. No, negative two. I don't care if you're older than me, gone through more than me, wiser than me or whatever shit. As long as you don't respect me, don't expect me to respect you.

Seriously, if you wanna stab me, stab me in my chest, not on my back. Coward. I despise this kinda people and I believe everyone does too.

Don't go judging me, Yucky. I know I backslided and am not doing anything to return back to God. But please go think back and use these words to reflect back on yourself. You are teaching bible classes and you knew gossiping and other stupid things you do are wrong as well. So being the mentor to many, aren't you twice as worse? Then why aren't you practicing the things you preach?  Take the shit in your eye before you take mine out. At least I admit it. #Justsaying.