Monday, February 28, 2011


It's been a while since I've blogged, so I'mma post cause I'm angry!

Angry with what? With PLAYERS!

What I hate MOST about them, is that they treat the ones that they're targeting as a toy, regardless girl or boy. Okay, that's actually what EVERBODY hate about them, right? Anyway, it's very simple like ABC.

Don't be in a relationship if you don't plan to make it last.

Dude, seriously!
And the most easy way to find out whether that person's a player, is his/her reputation. They're CONFIRM infamous and girls especially, still stupidly walk right into the lion's den. *Slaps forehead. However, you wanna play, that is one thing. And those naive girls are another thing. 

Cause girls are emotional creatures. They need security. Just look at this picture.

 Girls, will he interest/attract you if he walked down the hall in school? Or would you even noticed him if he passed by you? I'm not trying to mean, but I'm just stating the facts. You know which girl then will get attracted to nerds?

 But that's DRAMA. So snap back to reality okeh. Anyway, that drama is the awesome "Hi, My Sweetheart". It's so good! Looking at this picture just makes me wanna watch that drama again. My 2 favourite taiwan singers somemore!


Did anyone realised that words are fearsome weapons, they can kill? Cause players used them to play! Guys will sweettalk us, emotional creatures, making us believe that they ACTUALLY LOVED US. And will do lotsa sweet things/surprises to "prove" it. Cause players LOVE the chase. They just like this thrill, and will discard the "toy" once they get their hands on it.

And us girls, you hear the stories and you still naively wanna crash your head on that wall before you learn your lesson.

"No! He's true to me. I know it, I can feel it. He won't lie to me de!"

Won't 你妈的头! His friends know him more or you know him more?!

"What makes men chase women they have no intention of marrying?
The same urge that makes dogs chase cars they have no intention of driving."

Okay, maybe not that fast. But, I'm gonna be transparent here. Those extreme ones, they will take sexual advantages of the girl before discarding them away.

So here's to ALL the bastards who use girls as sex toys. And if you're one and is reading this, then this is for you.

And there's another breed of players who are nicer ABIT. They play just for the sake of it, instead of seeking for free sexual encounters. They toy with feelings. They get close to the girl, gave false hopes and stuffs. Made the girl fall in love with you, and you zhao. Leaving the girl in desperate conditions. Even the most cheerful, strong and optimistic one could break down completely and flagged white flags. Because she handed you her heart and believed you could protect it. But no. You're just a player. Though we'll climb up again and start afresh, emotional scars are there for a lifetime.

And I know it, cause I experiences it. AHH, BIGGEST REGRET OF MY LIFE! So, those players are NO WAY better, TOO. No excuses. Therefore,
Na na na na, na na na na, NAH!

So here's a joke.

Man says to God: "God, why did you make woman so beautiful?"
God says: "So you would love her."
"But God," the man says, "why did you make her so dumb?"
God says: "So she would love you."

 Okay, think I'm a sexist? NO! Cause girls are players too. Obviously I'm not saying that EVERYBODY are players. Cause it's a choice, not by chance. Well, I remembered when I attended an all-girls camp organised by my church when I was Secondary 1 or something, Aunty Lisa said this.

"Girls are very powerful, cause they have the charm to attract guys and make them fall head over heels with you. Then when they do, they will do ANYTHING for you. However, you will only realised about this "charm" at a certain age, and it's up to you if you wanna abuse it."

It's true! We girls, have the charm okay. You know why? Cause men in general, desires and craves for just one thing - sex. And for those horny girls even without a pretty face, you still get guys.

And I especially hate it too, when girls don't respect their bodies. If you wanna be a sperm toilet, then that's your problem. Go find guys who just wants one night stand with no strings attached. Don't go deceiving good guys and get them all hurt, torn and tattered. It's your choice not to respect your own body and treat it right, don't pull good people into it. Bitches like that, fk off. And when you get there, fk off abit further.

 Yes, it's The Curser again.

But, why are there even players in the first place?

1. They just wanna have fun.
2. They got hurt before, therefore lost hope in love and blah blah black sheep. Like Lin Da Lang.

When life knocks you down, just get back up. Everything happens for a good reason. You might not think so when you're in your super downs, but when you stand back up on your feet again and move on, you'll know it. Cause I learned that there's a gain, and a loss to everything. With every fall, you get back up stronger than before. That's what I know. So, you might get dumped by the one you thought you'll be marrying, and get your heart shattered. It's painful, it's eating your heart slowly, like a slow torture, you wished you were dead. 

But all the more, prove that you still can live and survive without that him/her. That you're not a loser emo-ing for weeks and months. Sure, you need time to heal your broken time. Go ahead, no one's stopping you. But you cannot not believe in love. And all the more, since you've already experienced the pain, WHY WOULD YOU WANNA INFLICT THIS PAIN TO OTHERS?! That's the most ridiculous.joke, ever.

I don't see fun/thrill in making other people's life miserable. By doing that, you're no different than the people who abused animals that people are posting on Facebook now.

Okay, I've said my piece. I've finished my rant.

After saying so much, I'm just glad I've tasted those bitter moments. If not, I seriously can't survive in this society since I'm such an easy-to-trick gullible idiot. And if not, I'll never know that I can actually be that strong. And and if not, I'll never be able to have a fantabulous yet irri-tah-ting boyfriend now.

My boyfriend. He is an interesting guy. And I enjoy this immature, childish yet kawaii relationship we share now! :D


AYE! If Mr/Ms. Right is still not found, then wait for it. It's worth the wait, trust me. *Wink.