Tuesday, February 1, 2011


These few days have been shiate! Cause nothing's going smooth. :( :( :( I hope this will be fixed quickly and happy times can resume normally, again.
Anyway, wanna say sorry to Vanessa Thumb, cause I flew her aeroplane several times already. Sorry babe! Hopefully, we'll be able to meet soon uh!

And I love my Hubby Hea very much. So I want to appreciate him by saying a few words!

I been in a rut, back and forth enough
Heart like a wheel
Without you around
So uncomfortable is how it feels

Every time you're near trouble disappears
Under the ground
But when you go too far
Silver clouds'll start hanging around

That's actually lyrics by Miley Cyrus' Full Circle. But hey! When words fail, music speaks! Right?! So this song is like, dedicated for Baby Hea. It's in my playlist! The song is nice and has a catchy tune anyway.

Baby uh. I'm superbly, uberly, extremely happy, satisfied, contented to be with you. I'm treated like a Princess, do you even know how good you treat me?! Did you forget how difficult it was for us to get together?! Did you forget the rough patches that we overcame?! I love you, and always will. Please, bear these in mind.

Maybe you think other guys could give me "happiness" and stuffs that you can't, YOU'RE SO WRONG. I feel so empty, so incomplete without you. Though we quarrel over stupid stuffs sometimes and get upset by each other's clumsy moments, or even had big fights and shout at each other, we both know deep inside that we won't leave each other.

Baby, thanks for taking good care of me, over-doting me, treating me like a gem. Nothing, no one can compare with you, my dear. So, fearing about our poly life is uncalled for!

Okeh, anyway! Baby bought me another female hammie, and her name is "Na Na"! *Sheds some tears. Baby really treat me veleh veleh veleh good :( :( :(

Back to posting! It's Na Na cause it goes with Pudding, as Hubby Hea calls it. So the two becomes "Na Na Pudding". LOL. Pictures over @ Baby's iPhone, waiting for him to download it.

It was love at first touch. The shop assistant brought Pudding out onto a basket, and put Na Na in it, to see will the two fight or not. They "kissed" and then disturbed each other. The shop assistant said there were sniffing each other out. So anyway, I placed my hands in front of Na Na AND SHE LICKED ME LIKE A PUPPY!!!! SHO CUTE, I just have to buy her. Cause I thought hamsters would not lick?! I thought she would bite me, like how Pudding always do. After the licking, she nibbled on my fingers gently. KAWAII RIGHT!

Both their breed are Pearl Winter White anyway. Their fur are really Pearl Winter White, LOL.

This is Pudding. I don't have Na Na's pictures :( Will take some to show you the two's difference! It's actually easy to tell. The one sleeping will be Pudding already, LOL.

Okeh, I wanna play with them already. Cause hammies are nocturnal and they are currently awake now! Take good care and bring your brollies everywhere! It's been raining non-stop and cold!
