Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Cause I'm finally eighteen! (Y)(Y)(Y)

I bought my first bottle of Whiskey on my 18th.

Though the alcohol content is only 12.5%, it's actually sweet cause it tastes like Cola! Except there's a rum aftertaste. Bought it over @ 7-11, only $9.50. LOL. Guess that's the ONLY alcoholic beverage that I actually liked. Peach flavoured Bacardi still got this, bitter yucky taste.

I planned to buy 4D one lo! But the long queue was just too... horrible. Lazy to queue! Will buy it soon, I guess!

Okeh, anyway. Baby Hea already celebrated my birthday with me on the 22nd. Like, an early celebration for me, as well as our 6th monthsary. Went over to stay at his house and received this surprise!

It's triple chocolate cake!

Birthday girl!

Baby singing Happy Birthday song when all the candles were lit. It's very funny! Imagine in the middle of the night, with the kitchen lights all out, only one person singing happy birthday to me in the dim light!

Cutting my mor-beng cake!

Slept, and woke up @ around 11am.

We headed down to....

Jack's Place!


Yepp, they are snails! *Gasp!
Not the typical one we see in Singapore during rainy days, sliding on the floor/grass lah. These are special snails that are yummily cooked with garlic and idk what! I only know that the crispy, fried garlics are oh-so-lovely with these escargots!

Damn, salivating now leh!

This lobster & crab meat with cheese in this mushroom thingy. Not as nice as how the name sounds!

 My medium rare steak with this chicken chop!

Baby Hea trying to dig the meat out of the escargot. LOL, it's his first time eating it and he finds it gross!

Then we debated on who can capture a more artsy picture of our drinks!

Baby Hea's.

My shot.

You guys be the judge - Whose photo looks more professional?

Then we went to happy happy @ KBox. I like to go K with Baby Hea, cause he sings awesome! I'm always mesmerized by his voice. Hahahah! His friends should know bah.

Afterwhich, headed over to NTUC and bought some stuffs back home to cook! Our dinner?

Salmon and Steak, with some random instant shrimp wanton (SUPER YUMS) and french fries, with Goat's milk!

Frying my Salmon! (L)

Cool right? :D

After the dinner, hung around at Baby Hea's crib awhile more and went home!

Alright, after all's been said, here are the presents I received so far!

Front view.

Back view.

A shirt that Hubby Hea sew for me!!!!!!! :O :O :O


Somemore chio lo! I (L) the butterfly! But one bad thing is, I'm afraid that it can't be washed! :( Later handwash then the thread comes out, how?!

That may be a cheap shirt but then the effort he put in to sew is priceless okay. And I love DIY stuffs! :D Cause it makes me feel special and unique - I'm the only girl in this whole wide world that has this shirt!


Baby Hea wanted to surprise me actually. But because the day before I was moodless and sad about some family stuffs, so he told me over the phone and got me all hyped up! Bought all the hammie stuffs like beddings, cage, food etc @ Serangoon Garden's Pet Lover's Centre. I'm now a member of PLC! *Winks.

Baby bought me a hammie cause previously, I kept telling him I wanted to rear one with him. Since hammies are easy to rear and requires little effort, so why not, right? And he really bought it for meeeeeeeee!

Introducing Pudding!

He's a male and he bites! :( But it's not pain lah. Pudding is a very lazy sleepyhead. He sleeps like, more than 15 hours a day lo! Everytime we wakes him up, he'll sniff around, then go back to his favourite corner with eyes closed, buried under the beddings in less than 2 minutes. Superrrr lazy. Even lazier than me!

Pudding and I.

Uh, yeah. I reborn-ed my hair and cut my fringe shorter! Hubby Hea says I'm prettier like that! Hmmm...

Okay, just imagine these Happy Birthday stickys in this jar...

Then that would be another birthday prezzie from Giggs! :)

I lazy take picture and upload, so just went to Google and searched these. Oops?

All my presents!

Left to Right :
Cute pink mini hamster(?) whiteboard, Marie soft toy w/ recording system and hearts box all by Wenwen. She bought me 18 presents altogether! :D All the other small stuffs are inside that box.

Marie shirt by Lynn! She gave it to me on the day we went back school to take our results back. (L)

Hammie package and pink Charles & Keith wallet by Hubby Hea! ;)

Superman T-shirt, High Cut colourful sneakers and assorted hair accessories by Mummy! :D

Nyssa and I have not exchanged our presents, but meeting her tomorrow, so will get it by then!

Vanessa & Beishi's prezzie rotting @ Vanny's house. LOL! Retribution, cause I bought her present @ December then it decayed as well.

Last but not least, everyone who wished me over @ Facebook! I appreciate EVERY single wish, so here's another Thanks! :D :D :D

Well, though Facebook have this Birthday Reminder or this Birthday thingy on the right side, at least you guys bothered to click on my name and wish me! So it's still a thought that counts. Heheh. :)

And of course, for people who went the extra mile to buy me something, especially Hubby Hea! (L)

That's all for my 18th now!

P/S : I still have not bought any 4D tickets! >:(