Sunday, January 9, 2011

O'level results.

I'm getting my results in less than 24 hour's time! Although it's the second time, I'm really nervous and all compared to the previous year when I collected it so easily without any worries. But I did not regret retaking my O's, cause if not, I wouldn't have met Hubby Hea!

Before I get distracted by Hubby Hea's awesomeness, my boss told me that there's only two outcomes for everyone's results. And that's either pass, or fail. Then that brings down to the point on which path each of us will choose to go.

If you pass, JC or Poly. Right?

If you fail, ITE, retake O's or private diploma.

That's all. That's it. Numbers get to decide our future route. And if you have this mindset, even if you really did fail badly, at least you have prepared your heart and can take the bad news instead of weeping like a child that dropped his ice cream.

BUT, for people who are lost and had no directions on where to go next LIKE ME..... It's like you're standing in a thick, heavy fog. Clueless, no directions, like a jellyfish floating on the ocean, letting the current control where it'd be going. And damn! That feelings sucks! I don't wanna go college, private is expensive, and retaking O's is like a waste of time. One more year, like a loser. -.- Find a job? No cert, no good job. My experience in the working world is not that much either. Then, WHAT SHOULD I DO?!

Hubby Hea told me to retake my O's. He stricktly forbid me to enter College. Lol! He says he's willing to guide and teach me. He's willing to learn, memorize and practice those maths formula that he don't even need to, again.

Korkor recommend I get a job -.-

To me, as long as I could enter Poly, even RP, I'm already very glad. I don't get what's the big fuss on people's negative view on RP. Yes, it's the lousiest Poly compared to the others but it has the best facilities! Besides, Korkor says RP is a new school. That's why their standard is not high, but slowly increasing. If another new Poly were to be built and created, RP's standard will definitely rise and that new school would be the lousiest Poly. Ahh, whatever! I don't care whether if it's RP, TP, SP, NYP or NP. Got one "P" behind, I'm okay already!

But I don't have the confidence. :( I'm afraid moderation will pull my maths down! Cause Maths ALWAYS moderate UP. GAH!

Hope I don't have to cry in front of a sea of people..... :/

This is a short post, but I wish everyone good luck for tomorrow!
