Wednesday, January 12, 2011


My results sucks! But with only 2 weeks of studying just before O's, can make it to Poly buey pai already lah. So couldn't complain much! Hope that I could get in for the course I applied for!

Anyways, my birthday is nearing! :O Kinda excited, cause it'd be the first time I'm celebrating with HubbyHea. I wonder what surprise will he pull off for me. Hmmm.... No, it should be, I hope he doesn't get exposed by me! I don't know why, I think I'm very clever. I just will have that sixth sense or whatever it is called whenever someone wanna surprise me! Smart right. *Wink.

AHHHH, I JUST CHECKED CHARLES AND KEITH AND THEY DONT HAVE THE HOT PINK WALLET THAT I WANT?! DAMN! I hope the outlet @ NEX still have some stocks!!! Okeh, sorry I'm random.


Back to what I wanna say, you truly reap what you sow. Speaking about this caused me to be in a peeve. It just annoys me how people think they can get something when they don't even freaking put in the effort to. They don't even try hard. Worse, they don't even want to at least, TRY. 


Darren is already making money to meet ends, but loves to squander his money on everything - food, clothing, CIGARETTES. He's used to lavish spending. Goes to restaurant for meals, swipe his card. Treat his friends meal, swipe his card. He'd rather buy cigarettes than save this money to support his family or pay the bills. He don't even try to change his bad habits even when he's on the brink of poverty.

After excessive smoking, he eventually got lung cancer. Still, he spend his money like nobody's business and continued smoking. He didn't even try to quit, making his family and anyone who's concerned about him even more worried and concerned. He didn't even try to stop and stop squandering his money for his most beloved wife and children. He didn't even stop to care for their feelings. Worse, he don't even care about his own health and financial issues.

Red bills were piling as months went by and as predicted, he was declared bankrupt. He had no home to live in and his wife and kids suffered with him, because of his unwillingness to change. In addition, he had no money to pay for treatment and you guys can guess what happens next. The most pathetic people are his parents, friends, relatives, wife and kids who are so deeply concerned for him. Yet, he made no effort. He didn't even FREAKING TRY.

I would feel sorry for this chap if he turned over a new leaf and made the effort to change. But he did not. In addition to that, he abused his wife whenever a red bill showed up to rush him to pay for the water and electricity he used. He would spank and whack the kids, vent all his frustrations and anger at his wife when he was the one in the wrong. Lied to his wife, went home late, and have another woman in his arms.

Despite all these, his wife stayed faithful to him and quietly stayed by his side.

Moral of the story? You reap what you sow.

Anyway, the above story of Darren above is a fiction. I made that up. It sounds exaggerated, I know! LOL. But you get what I mean! Tio cancer still smoke, no money still anyhow spend. So in the end, you reap shyte, you get shyte!

Anyway, the reason why I underlined, italic and made the words "cigarette" red was because I truly hate them. People who know me should know. I can't seemed to breathe everything I smelt them. I don't know! My brain just functioned and told my nose not to breathe. My body is weird. And then I'll avoid the smoke some random guy just puffed out by staying low. Cause smoke rises! Hahah!

SMOKER SUCKS. Created air pollution, produced more greenhouse effect which resulted to global warming. Thus, ice caps in North and South Poles melt which causes water level to rise over time. Singapore, a low-lying island will then be covered and buried by these very waters that melted, due to you all, inconsiderate smokers! You want to live and survive?! You want to save your future wife and children?!



Eh, anyway. I do know that majority of air pollution comes from factories, CFCs-products and vehicles. But imagine if ALL smokers in this world quit smoking, all these unnecessary, harmful smoke would not be released into the air! Besides, not only does your complexion gets better, you are also reducing the probability of getting cancer! Your loved ones won't get to breathe in second-hand smoke too! How great!

Whatever lah. A leopard never changes it's spots. So I say so much also useless. I go watch my Ice Age... :(

But still! If there is any hope that some smoker read this and at the very least cut down on their tobacco intake, that's already very good! Love our planet! Cause it has an expiry date, according to the bible!

Bible says that "Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will remain forever." Matthew 24 : 35

And look at our dear Earth now. Natural disasters are increasing compared to previous years!

So now you believe that the bible is true when the disciples asked Jesus when will be the end of the world and Jesus said in Matthew Chapter 24 Verses :

4 - Jesus told them, "Don't let anyone mislead you.

5 - For many will come in my name, saying, `I am the Messiah.' They will lead many astray.

6 - And wars will break out near and far, but don't panic. Yes, these things must come, but the end won't follow immediately. (America invade Iraq! North and South Korea!)

7 - The nations and kingdoms will proclaim war against each other, and there will be famines and earthquakes in many parts of the world. (Haiti Earthquake. Floods in Queensland and Australia, Brisbane.)

8 - But all this will be only the beginning of the horrors to come. (Meaning, these signs are the beginning of the end of the world! )

9 - "Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. You will be hated all over the world because of your allegiance to me. (Not only the AntiChrist or Satanic, but actually, everybody! People normally will only discriminate Christians if they smoke [example] but if another religion smokes as well, they wouldn't bother.)

10 - And many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other. (Suan-ing me :/ )

11 - And many false prophets will appear and will lead many people astray

12 - Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold.

13 - But those who endure to the end will be saved.

14 - And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then, finally, the end will come.

 See! Natural Disasters, rumours of wars and some conflicts recently, signs!!! And these are just the BEGINNING ONLY. Whattheheck! :( :( :(

And God promised Noah that he will not destroy this world with water/flood again. Maybe it's fire! Which mean, meteor showers or maybe volcanoes! Go watch 2012 and you'll have a rough idea what it's like!

Coooool..... :(

 I forgot. I'm supposed to watch Ice Age, LOLLLL. Okay, I REALLY go watch Ice Age already! Tata people! Cherish your loved ones before the world ends!
