Tuesday, January 4, 2011


It's been ages since I last posted and I'm in deep shit! YES, 2011 has just came and I'm already in trouble. How awesome! .____.

Firstly, I forgot to wish Nyssa happy birthday. I texted her but she didn't reply. :( Means she's mad at me! :O But still, I wanna wish her a belated Happy Birthday.

To my cutest, coolest, wonderful-est girlfriend,

What should I say... Ehhh, I'm terribly sorry once again, too. :( :( :( My deeeeeeepest, sincerest apology to you.. GOSH, I'M SUCH AN AWFUL PERSON... Anyway, text me if you saw this okay?!

Secondly, I dug up my resolutions for last year and here it is!
  1. Lose weight by learning Boxing!
  2. Run the extra mile for my studies.
  3. Forgive and forget, LOL.
  4. Be kind to everyone, even my enemies.
  5. Do not make such a big fuss and flare up when fake rumours reached my ears.
  6. Return back to church. I've wandered and strayed enough.
  7. Bring my friends to church, especially Vester and Bryan!

1. - Nope, I didn't lose weight. In fact, I think I gained weight! :/

2. - And, I didn't run the extra mile for my studies, cause I didn't even study hard for my Secondary 5 years! I merely did last minute chionging.. *Thumbs down for me!

3. - Hmmm. I did this, I guess? I've got STM! So I forget all the bad things that had happened to me. Which is a good thing! :) YAY! My first completed resolution -.-

4. - I'm not sure if I completed this, since I can already forget what bad things people did to me?

5. - Yeah! I kinda passed this. I remember I used to mind alot on bad comments about me, but not anymore!

6. - Errrrr. No comments.

7. -No comments either. Lol!

Therefore, the conclusion is 1.5/7. Wow!

So for this year, I only want to have 2 resolutions.
  • Don't be a tardy queen already!
  • Mean and do what I say.
Cause I realised if I changed these two, many people will be happy, includig my most beloved Hubby Hea. And that brings me to the third point of shit I got for 2011.

Hubby Hea, this is for youuuuuu.

I'm always late. You hate people to be late. I don't like people to scold me. You always scold me when I'm late. 

We're just like fire and rain and can drive each other insane. But we can't stay mad at each other for anything.

Thus, though we often end up quarreling, it wouldn't last for more than 2 hours. 

I know I've said this for the gazillion time, but this time, not being late will be my resolution for 2011! When I asked you not to trust and place hope in me, you still did, knowing that the probability of you getting disappointed is like, 90%!

You always catch me when I fall. Not just in time, but you're already there with arms open to catch me anytime. Even when I'm at my ugliest, you love me all the same. I snored in a cinema and you didn't feel embarrassed, and even sorta "stare" at the person who looked disturbed by my snores. You gave your all making me happy each day, even if it means you didn't like ice skating and am willing to go just to place that smile on my face.

For me, you'll go even further than your furthest. For me, you're willing to sacrifice. As long as you can make Dolly Low Jia Xin smile, every single hard work you do is worth it. Gosh! And yet, I always made you angry and get stubborn. I always promised you something but the next day when you open your eyes, you'll get mad and disheartened. I'm so, so, soooo sorry. :(

However, like you mentioned. Our love stays strong! I don't know what will it be like without you. I tried to imagine it for just a minute and tears flowed downwards already...... It's like without you, I'd be off tune, just like a guitar with broken strings.

You lift me off the ground. You helped me find myself. I'm totally dependent on you emotionally. That's why I'm counting on you. I love you, my Baby Hea.

And so. 2011, here I come! Hope it'd be a better year for everyone!