Monday, December 13, 2010

I dislike.

I'm sure we've all met different kinds of people during this journey of life. Here's sharing my dislikes!

I dislike people who think they know everything when they don't!
I only have one thing to say to you.
Trying to act smart huh. And blabbering hurtful, mean things when they don't even know the full story. Blah!

I dislike stingy people!
Like they save up every penny and am calculating about each cent they lent. I'm not all that generous myself either but who will treat everyone every meal each time they see them one, right?! Anyway, stingy people stinks! You can't bring your money to your grave, so stop your complains and grunts, and you'll have more friends!

I dislike pretentious people!
I'm sure everyone hates this kind of people. They normally have loads of friends but they're just hi-byes. They bootlick and kiss your asses while maliciously stabbing you umpteen times on the back. Cause on the surface, they're oh-so-nice and smile-smile with you, but gossips and rant about everything you do behind your back. Nonetheless, they're the coolest. You know why? Cause it must be hard to act that you like them and you perform it so well it's so hard to tell the truth. Yeah, Mediacorp needs people like these indeed. So they're very COOL!

 I seriously don't know how to treat people so nicely when I don't like them. Power man. Hey, just don't make your life miserable anymore and just do what your heart tells you lah? You'll be happier this way what, isn't it? I seriously don't get it.

I'm not all Saint and angelic too. But pretentious peeps really disgust me. Oh yeah, I'm a hypocrite too! Cause I say I'm a Christian but I'm not doing what God tells me to. Hahahah.

I don't like too straightforward people!
It's good to be straightforward, I agree. At least you're not some fake and you're genuine, you have your own style. But too straightforward isn't good either, right? When you dislike someone, don't talk to them lah. There's not a need to pour down thousands of lethal arrows at them directly, right? Hey buddy. Words are like bullets, they can kill, okay? Think twice before you say anything hurtful. We're all emotional creatures and have feelings too mah. The bible says something like, "Even a fool that shuts his mouth at the correct time is considered wise." leh!

I dislike lousy friends!
They are not there when you need them. But when they need you, you rush down immediately. You wanna test your friend? It's easy. Test them with money. "Money is the root of all evil." That phrase is cliche, I know. But it's true what. So it's sucky to have boo-boo friends!

I dislike people who've been to Universal Studios!
Cause I'm jealous of them. :( LOL.

I dislike liars!
Can't you just tell the truth?! Then you won't have to remember ANYTHING. Makes sense right! I saw it on a poster on Peicai's wall. LOL.

I dislike jerks!
Yes. Jerks. I've personally met one and oh boy! Though I deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeply regretted it, it's an experience for me. DAMN. How I wish I could whack him till his parents couldn't recognize him! Zzz, but being a girl, I don't have the ability to. ARGH, I WANT TO BE A BOY, for the gazillion time! Whatever!

Lastly, I dislike HATE cockroaches!
Who likes them?! I can only find one person - Nyssa Lim. She's crazy. She love cockroaches but fear cats and furry animals. Yes, that includes dog, rabbits, hamsters etc.

And this cockroach thinks he's cute like this lah. Heck! I made a HUGE sacrifice for you guys okeh. Finding this picture on Google was tough job for me. Just seeing it like this gives me goosebumps and it's disgusting to have them on my blog! See, honoured right you in front of your computer!


Or would you guys prefer this?


And idiotic person whoever thought of this stupid idea think they're creative enough to invent something like THIS.

WHAT THE HECK. A COCKROACH THUMBDRIVE?! WHO on Earth would buy this?! Obviously, you already lost customers who're afraid of creepy crawlies. Which means, NO extra profit earned!

So much adorable. "FREEZE!"

Okeh. End of my rant!

Here comes the important part.

The question is, are you any of the people listed above? When your friends are slowly reducing and people are saying bad stuffs about you, it's time to take a mirror and grab a chair. Look deeeep and longggg into it and reflect! Everybody has flaws and so do I.

I've thought about mine!
My tardiness is.... frightening man. And my stubborn-ness! And... I have to stop farting, like seriously.... Nah, I won't! My hobby is leaving my legacy around everywhere! *Wink.

By the way, this is off topic. I realized that my Counter Hits are always going up each day, but nobody tags meeeee!! STALKERS ARE ON THE LOOSE. *Gasp. Just kidding.

I'm so random. Cause I wanna tell you guys why my dad is the bestest, most marvelous dad in the whole wide world. Cause he's cooking spaghetti now! YUMS. Not only that lah, duh. His awesomeness is impossible to describe here. Cause he show his love by actions, not words.

I can smell the aroma as it spreads from the kitchen into my room by the Conduction theory. Hmm, I'M OFF TO EAT NOW.


One last note, Kimimi is a smart idiot and his O'levels will score better than me! Cause when I asked him questions, he actually remembers everything. Gosh -.- Did I mention smart peeps attract me? Teeheee!