Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Holiday misses.

As this red cab emerged from the corner of my eye, I knew it was it. Xenia Hea gave me a hug before she disappeared into the taxi while Xavier Hea went to put their humongous black luggage into the boot. Before he stepped foot into the evil, cruel vehicle that separates us, he blew me a kiss and smile. Yes, he has always been so dashing. He entered the vehicle and my eyes refused to let him go. It savored his charming eyes as each precious second ticked by. It was as if two pairs of eyes were like missiles set on lock. We waved goodbye, and he shut the door tight. Within seconds, the red cab sped off and tears that were held on for so long finally had permission to flow downwards.




He's flying over to such a far country, whereby the time difference is 1.75 hours ahead of Singapore. Which is alot! :(

To this country!

Yepp, it's..

SO FAR RIGHT! :( :( :(

Hubby Hea will be going Aussie with his family, that includes lil' sis and Mummy Hea, as well as his Uncle. They're all going over to Gold Coast, a major tourist destination!


They get to enjoy some Princessy places like Disneyland, and got the chance to feed and maybe swim with dolphins!!!!! I'll get my chance. Just wait till you grow up okeh, Dolly Low.

Aye, it's 9.05pm, the plane is preparing to fly off now and they'll reach there at daylight the following day. I'm praying that it will be a smooth ride to and fro, and they'll all come back unharmed.

Oh dear, I really really really am missing him already. .___.

Hubby Hea says he'll buy cute shoes for me! If he saw any lah. Though I hope he doesn't buy me shoes and stay. Okay lah! People really miss him mah......

I will guai guai while you're away! Zuo ni zui xi huan de guai bao bao. Will wait for your return! LOL, I sound like you're going to war. -.- Nonetheless! I will abide by the things you told me. I'll look at the baby pictures you gave me when I miss you. Damnz, got the sour sour crying feeling neh. :S

Anyway, we webcammed the one and only time and I sneakily snapped some pictures of him!

Even his candid is so gorgeous. 
LOL. Sorry guys, you're reading about someone being obsess with her boyfriend here!

Kissing through webcam. HAHAH.

Heehee. Having fun enjoying each other's company :D


Okeh! I admit I pose for the cam. LOL :/

Hmm. I miss Baby Hea so much...

Bye, my most precious boy. Enjoy and have fun over @ Aussie!

I don't miss you, and I don't love you!