Saturday, December 4, 2010

Tangled meets Rapunzel!

Hello Earthlings!

Life recently is rocky. Hmm, but oh well. It has it's ups and downs! But anyway, I've found something that makes me smile even in my deepest despair. And yes, it's Tangled! The 3D show everyone is talking about right now! I watched it the first day it released with Hubby Hea. My reviews?


The directors not only injected comedy into this romance Princessy movie, it gives the typical Rapunzel story we knew, a twist. It's not a Prince in his Shining Armour this time. The male lead was a thief! Okay, you just gotta watch it to love it. I love Pascal the most! For people who have not watched this marvelous movie, Pascal is Rapunzel's pet. It's not a cat nor a dog, nor a hammy! It's an adorable chameleon!

Though it couldn't talk, it expresses it's emotions in it's chameleon ways - by changing it's skin colours! And the exaggerated facial expressions adding a cute touch to it, you HAVE got to love Pascal!

There! Trying to camouflage into the vase, acting like a flower!

The Horse was hilarious as well! But cause it's big and neighing doesn't sound nice and cute... ya' know. I still prefer Pascal! :D

Okay. Before I sidetrack, the purpose of this entry is to promote Tangled! And I wanna share two songs from this movie, too! I've posted it on Facebook as well. Hahahah, I just can't help it but want to share! Like, when you have a yummy candy, you will want to share it to your friends as well, right?!

The first song is called "Healing Incantation". Argh! I don't want to spoil the movie. But just wanna share this. Off my music playlist if you haven't! Eh, my playlist also have these two songs that I wanna share. But, oh well!


Mandy Moore's voice is like an angel's! Mad heavenly!! In addition, you can feel the song, literally! The way she uses her diaphragm to produce this kind of melodious tone. Plus really got feel one lo!! So jealous!! LOL.

And my favourite song of this movie is called, "I See the Light." 

The moment it played it's chorus during that particular scene, I told Hubby Hea. "I like this song. Go home download it for me!" LOL. As it was 3D... OKAY, CANNOT SPOIL. As I was saying, this song's chorus combined with that scenario = magical I tell you! You feel like a Princess instantly (for girls lah, duh), and want to step foot in Disneyland IMMEDIATELY. Well, but Singapore no Disneyland! So the closest to it will be Universal Studio! Can't wait! Dollylowjiaxin, you must hit the quota to earn a free ticket to feel like a Princess okay!

To add on, that song was a duet with the male lead. Lovelove!

 Anyway, this is just a thought. I was wondering how do Rapunzel manage her hair?! I mean, how do she even shampoo it?! I took 20-30 minutes to shower. Okay, that's long I know, but I'm a girl mah! What about Rapunzel?! It's tedious work just trying to comb and brush that amount of hair lah. I reckon it's sufficient to make me lose weight if I brush it every single day lo! And by long, I mean, THIS long.

 Long enough to hand it onto something so that she could swing around! If I have that hair, I will treat it as Skipping rope and skip! And.. and play rubber band games!

This was like, my childhood game when I was in Primary school! HAHAHAH.

Okay, that's about all, I guess? 



Don't buy Pirated DVDs lah. :( Or watch online. Cause the 3D is FANTABULOUS. Though 3D movies are much more expensive then normal ones, but for the effects, it's worth it! Support original, support Disney! Most importantly, 



P.S : I miss Hubby Hea! :(