Tuesday, December 21, 2010

He's coming back!

Hello peepo.

I can't believe I could actually survive these seven days without contacting Hubby Hea! I tried calling him via Viber with Wenwen's iPhone cause I heard from Aaron and Wenwen that it's free! I even used my office's phone to call him but to no avail. :( Babehhh, you must be enjoying at Aussie eh? Hope you had fun there! 

It's just so cool. I've never sat on a plane for 6 years already! And I only went to far countries when I was little cause my family was rich back then. But that was when I was so young! Like a pet, following my daddy and mummy -.- I even forgot the times and memories when I stepped on Korea's grounds.

But whatever, that's besides the point! Hubby Hea is coming back in less than 24 hours time. I'm really really superbly uberly excited yet at the same time, a tad bit paranoid. Like, I've always heard my friends and people saying that when one goes overseas, things changed. Like feelings will fade gradually and stuffs. I know it's all bullshyte but I think I'm so obsessed and in love with Hubby Hea I'm afraid I'll lose him kinda thing, ya' know? :/ And, what if he really came back and isn't the same him anymore?! Gosh. I've got to stop this nonsense man.


Hey, I gotta trust him, right? Afterall, he loves me more than I do, in my opinion. Lolllllllll :/ I saw this statement on Twitter and it's so gonna boost my confidence now. I'm already feeling zero paranoid-ness now! Alright, here goes.

"It's not how long a relationship that matters, it's how strong it is."

Yuppyupp! Cool, ain't it?
BABY. If you're seeing this, I wanna say.

Happy Fifth Monthsary! :D

Cause by the time you see this, it should be past midnight already. Though it's just five months, we've had a fair share of quarrels as well as loving moments. You now know my horrible patterns eh :/ But thanks for accepting who I really am, and for tolerating my tardiness and all. Yes, you do scold me and I don't like it! But I know I deserve it. I know it aches you to use that harsh tone when I did something wrong, but you still did it, for my own good and not just bearing it all up and let me be. It's so awesome how I have you! And I love you, though I always say I don't. Well, you know I meant the opposite anyway. *Wink.

Let's get married!!!!!!! Just kidding. You'll bring me to Disneyland and propose, right?! And after our wedding, we'll go to Venice for honeymoon! Savvy?! HAHAHAH.

Oh, how I love you so!

Please be back soon. I really do miss you. :( It's like I can smell you, but you aren't there. Did you transport over while your mummy and meimei were sleeping?

After all has been said, the point is still.


Cause I miss you so much I think I'd die.