Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

I'm currently at home, with all my relatives at my house! There's roast chicken on the table served with little, cute tomatoes! Mash potato, bite-size sandwiches, assorted drinks, honey baked ham etc. Sucha feast! It's currently very noisy here right now and my baby sister is screaming at the top of her lungs for I don't know what! So annoying!

We were all "grouped" in different categories. The cousins in one corner chatting away, while the adults are in another corner talking about their childhood memories.


Besides, Papa is ordering pizza and my favourite sweet and spicy drumlets! CHEERS! (Y)

Hubby Hea, however, is working -.- Boring right? What a boring way to celebrate Christmas! He'll be working tomorrow as well. Uhm.

We're all very excited here, waiting to count down for 12am and raise our drinks and shout, "MERRY CHRISTMAS!"

Yeah, family bonding! :D


Nah, I'm just joking. That was my imagination. I was greeted by the deafening silence and darkness when I turned the keys over and opened my door. While I was walking home however, I saw this family celebrating, they were all dressed to their nines and wore the santa hat. They lived at just 2nd floor, damn it. WHY WANT TO LET ME SEE THIS SCENE! I can imagine the warmth and hearty laughters immediately man. Then I sighed to myself and  dragged my feet to the lift emo-ly.

Anyway, many people thought that Christmas was when Santa rode on flying reindeers and gave children gifts secretly. But it's actually Jesus' birthday. Jesus Christ, Christmas. CHRISTmas. Get it? People now are celebrating Christmas without knowing why. Funny huh?

Then why wasn't I celebrating?

Was invited to this Christmas party organised by church peeps but I was working. Besides, it's been a long long longggggg time since I've been to church.

Friends? Nobody wants to celebrate with me. :(

Family? Papa working, siblings went to the party, aye. No one is at home jiu dui le lah. To be honest, I don't think I've felt any family love before. It's kinda sad eh. I was Primary 4 when both my parents filed for a divorce. Though I've went on holidays with papa and mummy, I couldn't remember them. Daddy dotes on me the most when I was still a little kid. Now there's Xinyi, not as much already. :(

Then, my dad doesn't express his love through words. Basically, he just don't show his love out, but he loves us lah, duh. Mummy loves me too, but I've never felt both parents love at the same time kinda thing. LOL, I don't think I can understand what I'm talking. Whatever!

See, I'm sucha pathetic fool.

But I bought Christmas presents for my family! Waiting for baby xinyi to be back, cause I like to see her superbly-satisfied-at-just-some-small-things face.

To add on to my gloom, those cruel flashbacks haunted me for awhile while I was on my way home. Actually, I'm still thinking of it. I feel like committing suicide or ram my fist against the solid, concrete walls. Why was I so stupid?! #%*&^%$%(#W$@#%*

Aye. Treat yourself better lah, Dollylow. I'm gonna remove my colourful nails and make a new set by myself! I'mma do Sprinkle Nails! Will show you guys picture once I'm done. Give myself a treat for Christmas I guess? Okeh, gonna hit the showers soon.

People, hope you're enjoying Christmas eve AND Christmas! Don't be pathetic like me. :)