Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Yet, again.

Hi all. :(

I lost my wallet again. And if I don't find back my wallet tomorrow, it'd be the second time I'm losing my IC. The story goes like this...

Was working as an outdoor surveyor with Nyssa and one more girl called Sheena. Basically, we're working for a car insurance company. If we don't hit the quota, we don't get any pay. The job is tough and tiring. Anyway, during our breaktime, we went to visit the mama shop for a drink. And that's where I left my wallet, hopefully?

Anyway, I'm going back to Tampines tomorrow, to search for that mama shop. But given my low sense of directions, no comments........

Whatever, I'm feeling superbly terrible now. Like, all my thoughts are negative. I can't find a positive thought. But I'm strong! ......... ._.

WAKE UP! African kids are in a more helpless state than me okay. You only lose your wallet right. Emo for what. You cry the wallet also cannot be found what. At most make IC again lah. Get nagged by grandma and scolded by papa only mah. Big deal?!

AIYAH, I don't know lah. Stop talking to yourself can. Just go bang the wall. Don't be a nuisance and trouble everybody.


I seriously need to stop. Cause my house will really be flooded if I don't.

Okay, sorry readers for such an emo entry. I just need to vent it out and I figured out that saying out in Twitter or Facebook is attracting attention, like I'm some pathetic kid. LOL, I AM pathetic what. Some idiot stole my NUM bag, I lost my wallet countless of times and I'm stupid. Gosh!

@#$%*%$%)($%*^ JUST STOP CRYING!

You deserve a tight slap in the face.