Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Cycling, make-up and loads of fun!

As mentioned in my previous entry, I went ECP with some peepo. It's been ages since I stepped foot on their sandy and dirty beaches! But as you guys know, it's been raining constantly these few days and yeah, it rained on the date of our outing! So we all went to the I forgot what name shopping mall beside Parkway Parade to look see look see.

After walking around, Aaron bought Scoopz, and we continued to loiter in the mall. That was when some dude came up with a suggestion - picnic. Everyone agreed, so off we go, to Giant! The boys made a fool out of themselves by shouting and playing retardly lahhhhhh.


But I played along as well lah.*Wink.

Okeh, so the rain stopped out of the blue and there was sunshine again! Headed to the park and went cycling!

I only took picture when we cycled. Didn't realise I've brought my camera along with me all along! Oops?

And we stopped to snap group shots.

My boyfriend is retarded! 

And I joined in with the group pictures!
Look at Aaron.



And we're on our way again, to return the bikes!

Hubby Hea's back view.

Cause Hubby Hea and I rented a couple bike. And this is what happens when you sit the back seat.




As you do not have a need to look out for other people and control the bike, and in addition to that, I do not even have to ride at all. Hubby Hea just ferry me and I'm kinda bored, ya' know? So that's how my hair will end up, flying everywhere with the wind blowing and stuffs.

After they returned the bike, we proceed on for some picnic-ing! Found a random stone table and sat down there. Played this game that everyone is familiar with, "Musical Chairs". But instead of snatching seats, we passed a bottle instead! The forfeit?

Yes, make-up! :D

These are our losers for the day.

9 people went for the outing, and 6 peeps kenna penalty. The 3 who didn't got make-up on their faces were Aaron, Francine and meeee!

Alvin - Blusher!

Jocelyn was the one who applied for him. HAHAHAH.

Hubby Hea - Eyeshadow!

He has such gorgeous eyes, must apply thicker!

The difference is not that great eh.

Favian - Mascara!

End product?


I sympathise him, cause he got lipgloss on before the mascara. See his lips, so shiny so bwing bwing!

Daniel - Eyeliner.

Also not much difference neh.

Jocelyn - Liquid Foundation.

Aaron extra!

Favian (yes, again) - Baby Powder.

LOL, he's superbly sway. Kenna 3 times! And this was how he looked like overall.

Got the feel-like-punching-you-right-in-the-face feeling right?!

Wee Kiong - Falsies, or Fake eyelashes.


 I cropped out for you guys so that you could see the obvious difference!



It's mad chio right?! But Hubby Hea don't like me to put make-up! :( He prefers my natural face. Cause that time I stayed over at Lynn's house and went to dyed our hairs the following day. So she helped me to put on make-up!

Vanessa and Lynn says they prefer me with make-up neh!

 I don't put on those usually anyway, just trying out!

Kinda gay huh?

And full group shots using self-timer.

 After all these, we headed to the beach. By then it was already high tide and we played the waters! I enjoyed time there, cause Hubby Hea and I were very sweet! He piggybacked me and we all fooled around and played childish games. :D With me around, there's bound to be childish stuffs going on!

 So, Hubby Hea intro-ed me wrestling! Basically, the one who lands on the ground, or sand first, loses! Hubby Hea throwed me around lo! I kept losing. :(

And in the end, I got a dent on my right shin. It's horrendously horrifying! :/

This is my left leg!

My right leg. :(

But wrestling was indeed fun! So it was worth it, I guess?
