I could be a boy.
Cause I would not have to suffer the inconvenience of menstruation, the tortures of menstrual cramps, and the embarrassment of stains.
Cause I would not have to doll myself up prettily and could just go out with a casual t-shirt and shorts.
Cause I do not have the need to experience the excruciating pain from childbirth.
Cause I would not have the misfortune of carrying a big, heavy and bulging tummy while being pregnant, and would not taste those pregnancy symptoms like feeling headaches, nauseous, etc.
Cause I would not get into a Pre-Menstrual State whereby girls get severe moodswings before their period. The moodswings are superbly terrible, trust me. They can get so bad that you feel like a total loser, and makes you feel that nobody cares, when there actually is.
Cause I would not get cheated by jerks.
Cause buddies are much cooler than a clique of girls.
Cause my toes wouldn't hurt for wearing high heels.
Cause I would definitely treat my girl with utmost love and care, since I know these troubles girls faced.
(Like Jin Ho from Personal Taste! He help Kae In buy Kotex lo!!!)
Cause I wouldn't get paranoid easily, cry and face problems like a man.
And, cause my knuckles wouldn't hurt anymore.