Sunday, October 3, 2010


Had been reading this book I asked Lynn to lend me and finished it within two days. It was incredibly addictive and I was like, sucked in by the book, facinated at how this little girl survived on her own with no any support at all at a tender age and depended on herself solely on how to survive each day by earning money sufficient enough for her to satisfy her hunger and a roof over her head. So basically, she had no plans and her only aims were to live by each day through hand and mouth.

I'm going to summarize the awesomeness of this book!

Basically, she was abused both physically and verbally by her mum and her mum's boyfriend, Michael. Parents were divorced, dad were always overseas cause of work. Mum was vain and even blamed her and her brother Jay for ruining her perfect body cause giving birth to them both resulted in some loose skin on her stomach.

So in order not to suffer anymore attacks and getting locked in children's homes, she had to run away and was always on the run. She got so used to running away she couldn't stay still for more than three months.

She had no aims. Only plans on how to earn money sufficient enough to satisfy her hunger and a roof over her head. When she had no money, she'd do a runner. That is, order meals and run away. She worked odd jobs and before she even turned eighteen, she was a diamond smuggler. Heck!

Her whole childhood was always on the run. She fled away to London, Paris, even Hollywood from England! Wow. I, and most of you people out there could never have done what she did and I would probably die on the streets out of hunger man.

I'm impressed by her kindness even though she had to go through so much torturous ordeals during her childhood. Eh, bear in mind. She was only still a KID when she had to fed herself and survived on her own, not some youth above the age of 18.

However, I doubt some content in the book as some were really waaay exaggerating like how she and one gypsy vandalised the historic monument of England, the Stonehenge.

For more informations about the Stonehenge, here's the webby!

Wikipedia always have the informations I want man.
And I thought the picture in that wiki site looked similar to one of Narnia's scenarios. Hmm..

Reading this true story reminded me of how fortunate I am. I am well-fed, well clothed, had a roof over my head and a stable daily pocket money of ten bucks without having to work and do odd jobs, yet I still complain. Well, I guess it's human nature that we take granted of what we have everyday. We usually take granted of the things that we thought would be always there for us, including people.

So this book taught me how to cherish the things I have and my loved ones around me, taught me to fight back and not get bullied easily, taught me to not get upset and emo when a little problem appeared, taught me to stand strong and tall whenever any challenges knocks me down. Cool, she indirectly encouraged me to press on for O'levels!!

In addition, what I agreed with the author was, material stuff expires. They are always what people nowadays craved and longed to own. I realised that you can't take riches to your grave. You can't bury your money and car or whatever possesion you owned with you.

One example would be, Qing Shi Huang in the Qing Dynasty. He stupidly buried his concubines, slaves, even horses and whatever he owned ALIVE, including jewels and material goods. He's a total retarded delusional freak and I was appalled when History showed it. I thought he only buried Bing Ma Yongs!! Damn. Buried, ALIVE.

And here's a short clip of how some tribal people in Amazon forest believe in sacrificial rituals and bury KIDS alive. They believe it will help their crops grow better in some way or another.

There's some nudity and it's gross. Heck, you guys would see it anyway. -.-

Some of you may have seen this video before. The comments I read said this video is fake though, and I seriously hope it is REALLY fake.

Damnz. I couldn't bear to see the whole video for fear of developing some phobia or what. I didn't want to pollute my eye mind and I started tearing even before the whole things starts. Yes, I'm that weak and emotional.

So linking back, I hate people who abused their power and authority to kill another innocent life that doesn't belong to them. Just like the delusional Qing Shi Huang who thought he'd gain wealth by burying materialistic stuffs and humans and those tribal people.

Fyi, History is a TV programme that shows what happened in the past. And Bing Ma Yongs are his supposedly army that would protect him in the afterlife carved out of stones, since he couldn't convince his actual army to perish with him.

A BMY would look like this.

HongJin posing with BMY! Taken @ our Georgraphy Malaysia trip earlier this year.

But afterall, my point is that. So what if you have all the riches with you in this world? Yeah, you can all the material goods, a 5 carat diamond, you could even swim in your notes. They could give you temporary happiness, yes. But in the end, what do you get? Will you be truly happy?

My brother once told me that you're truly happy when you're alone with nothing and just by yourself and you still feel contented. I couldn't agree more. And this author share the same sentiments as me.

I think that riches are not everything in this world. One moment you could be a millionaire and another moment you could be bankrupt. Treasures could turn into dust in an instant, and sweep everything you owned to nothing. It is indeed, really scary.

For me, I'd feel satisfied with a humble little house in the future, cook dinner(though I don't really know how to cook!) and wait for my hubby to return home after work, shower my 2 kids with unconditional love especially after reading that book! I'd give anything man!

I wonder what will it be like to raise a child of my own. But before that, I'll definitely rear a domestic cat first! LOL, I do think far.

Afterall, money is the root of all evil! :(
And I'm sure everyone had gone through it before, one way or the other, like having a tiff over money. It's stupid. It's either you don't lend people money at all, or you lend but don't expect to get it back. Cause it'd lead to quarrels!

Blah! For now, I guess I better snap back to reality and concentrate on my O's, now that I've finished reading the book. And I will NOT read any more books until my O's had ended. This book sure distracted me for two days! :/