Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fun facts.

Chanced upon Wenwen's Facebook comment that said, "I love colourful helium balloons." So I thought of what I love, and some facts about me too!
  1. I love people to adore me. Especially when they sayang my head. Yes, like how you would sayang a chihuahua or something.
  2. I love to eat chocolates when I'm down cause they lift my spirits up.
  3. I listen to music whenever I'm alone. They are the greatest companion! Life would suck without music!
  4. I will act fierce to cover up my embarrassness and shyness.
  5. I love little animals especially kittens and enjoy watching documentaries of the marine life.
  6. I will not hesitate to kick the shit out of someone if they damage my Duckie.
  7. I flare up when somebody litters in front of me.
  8. My longest record of not defecating is 2 weeks. Yes, Two. Whole. Weeks!
  9. My longest record of not showering is 3 days.
  10. I love to shower with Wenwen! Cause it's ALWAYS fun. HAHAHAHAH.
Okay, I guess Points 1 to 5 are normal stuffs. Some of you might get pretty confused from Point 6 onwards.

Point 6.
Duckie is my favourite among my 13 Baobei-s. My Baobei-s are soft toys I hug to sleep every night by the way. Yes, I've 13 faithful and loyal soft toys accompanying me to sleep each night!

Introducing Duckie!

I'm with Duckie everyday and will probably die without her by my side. I even brought her overseas, like the horrendously beautiful picture above. HAHAH. This was taken over @ our family Genting trip this year! Don't laugh at me! I'm trying out Wenwen's newly bought Za T-zone Cleansing Peel-Off Mask!

Duckie is adored by everyone okay. She's been with me for 3 years!

Duckie's origin :
She's actually a birthday present for Carlvin Sng, my classmate during my Secondary 1 and 2 years. Cause I thought he looked like a duck and so bought this adorable toy for him. But when I brought her back home, she's simply irresistable! So I unwrapped her and got it for myself instead, thinking Carlvin would probably dump it in a corner since he's a guy. I've never regretted my decision to keep Duckie! (L)

Point 7.
I hate it when people litter. Idk why. LOL.

I remember there was once after my Sports Carnival ended this year, we were walking off and I saw some gangsters wannabe knocking the whole bin over. I suddenly got hot and my adrenaline started moving through my veins. The sight ticked me off and I shouted at those guys, referring especially to the idiot who knocked it over. After that, I stared at him and refused to turn my eyes away.

I'm confirmed he knew I was staring at him in an offensive way but he didn't dare to look me in the eye. COWARDS! I hate it when they act big in school and go round bullying weaker students. Such douchebags!

Furthermore, fights have became something normal in our school. I seriously have no idea to what extent can their childishness go. And it's always the same. damn. boys. *Roll eyes.

Point 8.
To defecate is the formal way of saying shit. And yes, it's two whole weeks! LOL. I know it's not healthy and I hate shitting. It's so.... hard to shit. I find people who defecate everyday are disgusting, cause I do it once every 3-4 days. HAHAHAH. I'm kinda queer, I know.

And cause the solid waste is in my body for such a long time, I got a high fever and fell sick. But once I let it all out, reluctantly of course, my fever subsided. Cool huh?

Fact :
Urine is harmless. They are clean, in fact.
Faeces are the one that's full of bacteria and dirty!

Point 9.
Oh. It happened when I was Primary 5! LOL. Not now anymore, duh! I remembered vividly that I still played basketball in the afternoon and sweated like nobody's business.

Okay, the first day I didn't went out so I thought I was clean.
The second day repeated and so, that was the second day.
The third day I was out playing basketball, afternoon somemore! But I entered my air conditioned room and after a few hours, I FEEL clean. So I didn't shower again. However, I got itchy by 2am and the itch was irritating me. So I had no choice but to shower. HAHAHAH!

I hate showering.
Average showering time : 20minutes.
Longest showering time : 1.5 hours.

Point 10.

Our craziest thing was, we tried to take pictures of each other in our birthday suits and threatened to post on FB and tag everyone! LOL. Then we brought donuts and kiwis inside so that we could eat while showering. And I will disturb Wenwen by spraying cold water at her while she bathes. Cause she bathes in hot water, so the contrast will be irritating to her. I like to see her getting annoyed and her reaction! HAHAH.

Another thing we play while showering is, we'll both stand at one end of the toilet each and one will be the attacker while the other one will be the target. The attacker will try to contain as much water as they can carry with her mouth and try to spit it on the target while the target will obviously try to avoid the attacks. We'll take turns playing this. LOL.

It's great to have a younger sister! (Y) Yes, I love Wenwen, though she can be quite irritating at times.
Wooohoooo! :D

Oki, that's about it for this post. Ending here abruptly!
