Saturday, October 16, 2010

A little way off hand.

Well. Hmm.

I am not feeling my usual self currently. Maybe the mood swings are kicking in? No, not them! It's cause,
Yeah! I bet you, who're behind the keyboards doesn't know what they mean! Hahah, I don't think anyone can crack this code anyway.

I have issues in life. I sleep @ 3am-6am till 2pm-4pm. LOL. My bodyclock had gone waaaaaaay out of hand. :( It's hard to return back to normal! I reckon I'm an owl in my past life. Hmmm... Cheh, I don't believe in recarnation! But still, I'm nocturnal!

Anyway! Sometimes I feel like creating one blog that nobody will know about and splash my thoughts and feelings all over them! Cause I don't want to tell people or let them know I can actually be emo. LOL.

Well, all these are just part and parcel of life anyway! Who doesn't go through pain and sadness, or get lost somewhere in their journey of life?! Life is challenging man, seriously. Very! One moment you can be at the peak of the mountain and another minute you can come crashing down and feel like dying.

I chanced upon this on Facebook.

"Don't let the sadness of your past and the fear of your future ruin the happiness of your present."

Cool huh! Let's face it. Life is indeed REALLY short. Youth is precious and irreversible. Therefore, we all youths out there should get as childish as we want, play carpark catchings, slumber party, put colgate/cream on your friend's hands while tickling their nose with a feather, whatever! Furthermore, life is the bestest thing ever! It depends on how you want to live it, I suppose? So we shouldn't feel like dying just because a small problem pops out!

Yes! I'm kinda hyped up by my own encouragement so I thought of this!

7 Things to do to feel positive.

Tell yourself :
1. You're beautiful just the way you are.
2. There's only just YOU on this Earth.
3. When life knocks you down, just get back up!
4. Life is precious, eliminate ALL suicidal thoughts.
5. Life is short, so live it to the fullest!
6. "I'm unique in my own way."
7. Repeat Number Six 10 times!

And you'll find yourself smiling! :)

CHEERS! I hope I encouraged someone! Well, at least I encouraged myself... HAH.
