Thursday, October 14, 2010


  • X'mas party 
  • A trip to hair salon with Lynn 
  • Valentine date with Hubby Hea 
  • Invite Vanessa for manicures with me 
  • Engage myself in kite flying for the first time
  • Read more books 
  • Haagon Dazs Chocolate Fondue 
  • Eat many nice stuffs!
  • A picnic under the stars and moon
 These are the list of things I planned to do after my O'levels! I can't wait manxzxzx. Studying really sucks and it's a total bore. Especially when so many things are tempting and distracting me, it makes mugging even more difficult. But still, have to pull through these two weeks first! :(


Alright! Throwing away all troubles into the rubbish bin first. Hubby Hea surprised me by making a video for me on Facebook! It's so sweet oki! He made my day, yet made me tear, too. That fatty, ALWAYS make me cry. >:(

On a side note, I love Wenwen! (L) She's great and awesome but I hate it when she got menstruation -.- Cause she'll be damn moody and attitude for no reason. Crazy ass. Nonetheless, I still love her! (L)

Oki, I'm gonna eat my Grandma's specialty - Curry Chicken. WOOHOO! I don't care about the extra calories intake cause her Curry Chicken is the best of the best! Besides, she cooks it like, once in a blue moon kinda thing. So, heck care those fats and coconut milk! (Y) HAHAH.

After my supper(?), gotta pick up what I threw away in the rubbish bin again. *Thumbs down!

Hmm, here's a JIAYOU! for people taking O'levels! Hope we all press on and mug hard together for the final chapters of our Secondary School life, and never go back to the damn school again, especially mine!