Sunday, October 10, 2010


I did this composition last night or rather, morning? Cause I slept at like, 5am! So, I chose question 3 and it goes,

"Write about an occasion when an unexpected visit turned out to be a blessing in disguise."

          As I rocked my chair back and forth, I closed my eyes and reminisce about that day, again. Though it had happened almost a decade back, I could still recollect every single detail vividly.

          It was summer after high school and I was on my way home, expecting a birthday surprise from my family and friends. Yes, that day happened to coincide my existence for eighteen years, which probably was one of the reasons why I could remember each and every information.

         I remembered I was so excited that I actually skipped back home the moment I alighted from the bus literally, and hummed to the song, "Walking on Sunshine."!

 Once I reached the steps of my front door, I rubbed my hands in glee and turned the door knob slowly, cautiously, in hope to expose anyone who wanted to catch me by surprise. The door creaked and I slipped in smoothly and closed it gently, for fear of producing any noise. So far, there was no one to be seen. Thinking they might be hiding in my room, I tip-toed up and took a quick peek. No, it was empty. I crept into my kitchen and then the back yard. Still, not even a single shadow was found. Only the sound of leaves rustling through the wind could be heard. Feeing dejected, I slouched on my couch and turned on the television reluctantly. Slowly, I fell into a deep slumber.

         By the time I woke up, everyone had reached home. I checked my phone and it was already 8pm, and no birthday messages! Everyone was doing their usual daily routine. Mum was hanging the laundry, dad was writing his article, brother was using his computer and sister was talking on the phone. It was like nobody realised it was my birthday! I felt so miserable I dashed into my room and burst into tears almost immediately. It was like no one else cared, not even my best friends, Natasha and Chloe, or Kimimi!

         It was around what seemed like ten minutes later that I heard some tappings on my window. Drying my tears, I opened the window and popped my head out to see who was behind this mischief. A bunch of colourful helium balloons floated up right in front of my face and I could hear people shout "Happy Birthday!". And attached at the end of the strings of those beautiful balloons was a single stalk of red, silk rose.

I pulled it out gently and looked at the crowd below. It was my friends from high school, including Natalie and Chloe! They were all grinning up at me and shouting for me to come down. I took a quick scan for Kimimi but he's nowhere to be found.

         Though I was a little disappointed by the abscence of his presence, it was still such a tremendous shock! I hurried downstairs, still holding the red, silk rose and saw Mum greeting me with a lovely smile. "How could I forget your birthday, my dear?" Then my family gathered around and my sister even hugged me! Mum brought me into the back yard and I could see everything was well prepared from the strings of decoration to the cute, mini little cupcakes. "Lucky you fell asleep! Which gave us sufficient preparation time." Mum explained. As tears began to form, I kissed mum lightly on the cheek and hugged her tight. I thank everyone who came and made this surprise party possible.

        However, little did I know that there was an even bigger surprise awaiting me! All of a sudden, Natalie grabbed the silk rose from my hand while Chloe took the other hand and ushered me into a garden two streets down my house. When I demanded an answer of what they were doing, the two idiots just remained silent and sniggered to themselves. Natalie then brought me to a pavilion with lighted candles placed all around, and passed me my rose back. The sight was so mesmerizing that I didn't even know that Natalie and Chloe had slipped away!

        It was then, that Kimimi just appeared out of nowhere. I was so shocked I couldn't even utter a single proper word out! I did not expect him to pop out like this! I just stood there, rooted to the ground and blabbered something I guess only aliens could understand. He was dressed smartly in a formal code wear and combed his hair neatly to the back. As Kimimi walked closer to me while I was still spouting nonsense, he covered my mouth with his hand and pulled out eleven fresh, red roses from the other. He took a deep breath and slowly said, "I know it may seem unbelievable to you, but Nat and Chloe had told me everything. And guess what? I kinda like you since year 2, just that I have not mustered up the courage to tell you for fear of rejection, and that our friendship may be jeopardised, you know? I don't want to end up like Tommy."

        I looked deep into his gorgeous eyes and was totally speechless! The guy that I've secretly been in love with is now standing in front of me and saying such mushy stuffs! Thinking it was a dream, I pinched my cheeks and slapped myself to double confirm what was happening is true. My actions proved this was reality! Kimimi laughed at my silly actions and added, "Oh, you once told me there's a meaning behind flowers. So I went to google it. So, with this flower," he then took the silk, red rose from my hand Nat had passed to me and joined it with the eleven. "this is now a complete, dozen of flowers. And this bouquet on my hand means that, I'll love you until the last rose dies." He assured me with a convincing tone and I swear I saw his eyes sparkled like diamonds for a minute! I almost melted to the ground. It was so sweet, I think I'll get diabetes, especially the last line!

        So as I continued to rock my chair gently, I touched my wedding band on my fourth finger and kissed it lightly. I had not taken it out ever since Kimimi slid it on on my big day 5 years ago. As I relived the past, falling deep into my memories even further, Kimimi entered the room and sat by my side. "Thinking of how romantic I am again?" he asked cheekily. I gave him a peck on the lips and nodded with a smile. Admiring his features, I thought of how lucky I was, and how this unexpected surprise could turn into a blessing in disguise!


Firstly, sorry if my horrendous picture scares you! Hahah! Okay, this composition abit long uh, but I don't care. Cause this is what I imagined, LOL. Hope this won't be a bore! :/

Oh, and this entry is dedicated to my Kimimi Hubby Hea, of course!
I guess you'd probably know the composition involves you, you just want to action action right! Hah, keep saying not interested yet still bomb me with texts whether I am done blogging or not.
Oki lah. I know you confirm will be like, "why call me Kimimi!" That's your gayish name you named yourself uh. But no matter how gay you are, I will still love you! (L)

Anyway, I'm meeting Xue Er later @ 5pm, as well as tomorrow. She's gonna teach me Maths! (Y)

Alright, I'm back to more studying now! Currently @ Chemistry's Chapter 6. :S