Friday, April 30, 2010


As I alighted the bus and made my way home, I heard this little mewing nearby me. I stopped on my tracks and focused my surroundings and indeed, another mew was heard. Being a big fan of cats, I got all hyped up when I saw this kitten stranded out in the cold, which she continued mewing pathetically. My heart goes out to her pityful state and I looked around for her parents but found none. Out of sympathy, I brought her back home, hopefully my dad would be willing to give this cute little thing a  shelter.

However, my dad refused, insisting that I bring the kitten back to where it belonged. And he threatened to throw the kitten down if she enters our house. :( 

Wanting to help her abit, I tried to feed it fresh milk but it doesn't wanna drink.. So reluctantly, I brought it down and stoned at my void deck, feeling remourseful. I decided to give Hong Guo a call, since he still wasn't sleeping. Initially, he wanted to keep it for me and help me take care of it, but after much consideration, he backed out as taking care of a pet is no easy task. Must give it lots of attention and care one oki, just like a baby. But still, thank you for listening! :D

George called in later and he suggested SPCA or returning back to the place where it belonged. As we talked and talked, the kitten eventually fell asleep and I couldn't bear to wake her up since she seemed to be in a deep slumber. So I brought her back home, but left her in my pink marie box outside my doorstep, and then I will bring her back down to that sorrowful corner the next morning.

The next morning, I didn't go school again. Well, for some reasons that I would not like to publicise it. Anyway, that kitten was still near my house's doorstep, just that she was awake. I begged my dad to keep her as she's really sad with no mummy around to take care of her and after deep consideration, I persuaded my dad to keep her! (Y)


Yeah, I finally got a domestic cat on my own! (L)

Some pictures of my adorable pet. :D

I love this! (L)


Hahah, she looked like she's behind bars.

Figuring out the bell.

I put my hand there to let you guys had an idea on how small she is!

Trying to climb up my shoe holder or something.

And these are in-the-box pictures.

She's biting the corners of my box! :/

Still biting...

Morning lazy stretch~

Hmm, reading the orbituary upside down?

My precious sleeping.

I got her a toy, made her a scratching post and there's a milk bottle for her, too!

Heheh. Cute right! Though it's not my dream cat like Marie - White fur, blue eyes, which I'll decorate with pink ribbons.

Well, as long as it's cats, 我愛! (L)

 Hmm, so what should I name her? Any suggestions? :/