Monday, April 26, 2010

Poof! It's gone.

Thinking back on our crazy days together,
fun, games, pleasures and laughters.
And how we'd show each other our ugly sides,
cause there's really nothing we have to hide.

But all these memories faded gradually,
when the second hand ticked time away slowly.
It seemed like you weren't her, like how I once knew,
your character felt distorted, you've changed into someone new.

I thought that I was the one being too sensitive, but even others say so.
You could deny and defend but please, search your soul.
And if you notice carefully, we're drifting apart.
In case you're asking why, I think you know why this drift will start.

So go flock with your same feathers, I ain't caring no more.
I've grown tired both physically and mentally, my eyes have grown sore.
I'm just gonna concentrate and prioritise what's important to me,
and only hope that you'll realise that there's still much more wonderful things to see.

I reckoned that I've lost two bffs in just a short time,
but someone once said that "Friends come and go, all will be fine".
How true is this, for I've gained two more close friends!
Which will share weal and woe with me I know, I sincerely give thanks!

You guys might say it's temporary but I beg to differ,
cause we have a common passion and love whose marvellous name is Jesus.
I heard that Friends are angels whom God had sent,
Hahah, I really appreciate these two, the cheeky them!

I thank God for everything that I had gone through be it good or bad,
cause everything happened for a reason though I might not know why.
I thank God too for the people that He had placed in my life,
I'm really grateful and this motivates me to continue to strive.

Whenever I am troubled, vexed or feeling miserable,
I'm glad I have an awesome God that I can depend.
His tender loving care never fails to comfort me,
for He is near - just a prayer away! :D


"Is anybody listening? Can you hear me when I call? I'm shooting signals in the air, cause I need somebody's help. I can't make it on my own, so I'm giving up myself. Is anybody listening? Listening.." - Good Charlotte's S.O.S

I know God is listening to me. That's all that matters. :)

I'm gonna let go, and let God.

Here's thanking :D for cheering me up and making my day when I was all down and emo! He especially go think on how to cheer me up neh! How sweeeeet.

Oh anyway, this is for you :
I'm glad you moved on! Hope she won't give you as much attitude as I did and won't take you for granted like how I did. All the best! :)