Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Went for some mugging with Xavier and Hong Guo @ my house on the 15th of April, Thursday.

Was supposed to mug near my house there de bridge where we can find serenity, an awesome place to study de as the surrondings are power-packed quiet and at the same time, able to enjoy the fresh oxygen produced by those green plants. However, it was raining cats and dogs that very day. Such luck! :/ So having left with no choice, we then went up my house to have some mugging done.

LOL, but I reckon it was more of laughing rather than studying! So guys, this is a study tip. Never ever go to a house to mug with your friends! Why did I say so? Because we watched...

FYI : This video is only 3minute plus. After the whole thing ended, they replayed the video, but on mute. Therefore, 6 minute plus!

LOLLLLLLL. For those who knew how to dance 愛的主場秀, you would laugh like crazy too!!! Hong Guo watched the same video for 30 minutes over and over again, laughing hysterically while Wenwen and I watched it for around fifteen minutes, bursting into laughters too! The best part, Hong Guo still found the video funny while he joined us with the video! We hahah-ed MAX!!!

Anyway, before we mugged, we had my Grandma's dinner! :D


See! Xavier trying to escape away while Hong Guo kept looking away, acting one camera shy!

HAHAH. Love these two man!

Well, you guys helped me when I needed it. Hahah, no need say one lah. We know deep in our hearts right? :) Spare all the mushy talks!


I reckon I've become smarter! :D
