Monday, February 15, 2010


HAHAHAH. I'm gonna relive this super uber dead blog with a super uber long post! Though it had been already like, three weeks after my birthday, but who cares?! Yeah, so the story goes like this.

Tuesday, 26th January 2010.

Went to school with Vanessa and Wenwen, like any other day. I somehow knew that those two idiots were planning a surprise for me by their whispers and mysterious behaviour in the bus! LOL.

Yeah, and the two idiots disappeared after school while I was out with my fwiend. Which expectedly, Vanessa called me around 2-3pm and had this conversation with me in a frightened tone.

Vanessa : JIAXIN! Where're you!!!!
Princess : Why leh? What happened?!
Vanessa : Faster come back GB!!!
Princess : WHAT HAPPENED?!
(Yes, I actually believed her.)
Vanessa : ****** beat me again! I'm very scared now!! I'm outside your house! Faster come back!!!
Princess : Okay, I rush back now. Wait for me.

Thus, I cabbed back home and found out what's in store for me. As I sat in the cab, I began thinking. Like, everything just fits in to place. But still, I acted normal so as not to spoil their plan. Such an angel I am!
Clever Jiaxin climbed up the stairs instead of taking the lift. I saw Vanessa on the 8th floor and she was talking to someone normally, which goes like,"She's coming soon. Hurry up and prepare." but when she turned and saw me, she immediately act one cry leh!!!! I exposed her and then went up to the 10th floor to search for the other accomplices. I thought there were only Beishi and Wenwen....

But I was wrong! Bastian, Vester and Cedric came along too! Cause each of them had a can of spray and started combing me like crazy!!!!! We played and made a mess everywhere, hahah! Nonetheless, I enjoyed myself and I'm sure the rest did, too! Afterwhich, they had this pink, strawberry birthday cake for meeee!!! So touched cannnnnn!!!!!!! But we ended up having a cake war and bits of cake and cream were flying all around us before I could know it. Some of our hair were decorated with pink creams and looked as if we highlighted our hair! HAHAH.

We sewiously turned the 9th floor upside down! The floor, pavement, staircase, lift has pink cream and cakes everywhere! So being a responsible, seventeen year old, I convinced the others to clear and clean up the place with me! Hahah! Got many pails out with Bastian's and Wenwen's help and got our asses moving! However, Bastian started the water war by pouring a bucket full of icy water on me while I was cleaning up the mess. Such an ass! Backstab me leh!!!

This then resulted in the water war, which was very unfair. Cause everyone was against me!!

Nevertheless, it's still a pleasant surprise and I thank all of you guys who made the effort to plan and come down to have a mini celebration with me!! :D


Hall of Fame :

They are those sweet little pigs! (L)

Just look @ the floor and my hair!

Bastian priding himself with his abs and muscles.
The others all raping me!

Clean up! :D

Sistaaaaa Lowwww (L)
Thanks for a wonderful pink Fluffy!

My words of thanks are beyond description. Hahah!

Goodfwiend uh. We're ah-gah-liao sisters pah-buey-toh right! LOL, so lian!

Cute little sweetie pie!!!!

He's an asshole. *Winks.

Another asshole. Like brothers, hahah!
And he don't want take a proper photo!!!

But after threatening that I'll dirty his shirt and all, he gave in and we shot this!


And THIS! As Bastian's shirt were ruined by me, I suggested he changed to my pink low cut top!

Yuppyupp, they went off at around 5 and I quickly got changed for another casual celebration with Billy, George, Junhao, Pakcheong and Wenwen!

George fetched Wenwen and I @ GB and we trained to Vivo for this Steamboat!

 I (L) Spicy!


:( :( :( :( :(
I sad max leh!!!!!
Well, but I enjoyed myself that day lah. :) Really really, thanks to you guys!!!
Jiu ai ni men duo yi dian lah! (L)

To add on, I've always been wondering and hoping what presents I will get for my birthday, etc. Yeah, materialistic huh. Hah! But this year, it seemed different. I never hope for anything and am just contented with birthday wishes and greetings! Cause I thought that when people bother to text just a simple "Happy Birthday!", it shows that they still remember I even existed and still remembered my birthday!!! Hahah :D

So I got a total of 36 texts and 22 call in-s from my lovely friends. :)
Not forgetting birthday gifts from Wenwen, Grayson, Crystal, Nyssa, and George!
Also, the pink strawberry cake those 6 pigs got! :D

Arigato people, for this special day! (L)(L)(L)


Next up, as far as my memories would take me,
Vanessa, Beishi, Wenwen and Crystal witnessed two cute little dogs mating!

There, proof!!

They don't look like they're mating, but they are!!!! Cause when they're done, the female screamed in pain and something long and red came out. The sight was.......... speechless.. Lol...

We were slacking at some random void deck near the school and played this funneh game! Shall not elaborate as it contains mature contents.

Hmm, and once when we went to AMK for lunch with Beishi, Vanessa, Jiazhen and Wenwen. Headed to Sumo House! Cheap, but good stuff! (L)

Slurp slurp!

Walked over to AMK Hub and saw THIS.

Found @ Mini Toons, NOW! DALANG NEH!!!!!!!!


Last but not least, this......

Nyssa's gonna buy me this!!!!!! AHAHAH (L)


Met Nyssa @ Orchard, 1pm I think. Cause I'm gonna work at 6pm @ Orchard Parade Hotel!

Yeah, so we ate Shilin's Super Huge Chicken Cutlet, drank Smooch and walked around. Met Zaniel afterwards and gave Xiongwei a visit @ Forum's Toys'R US.

Can't remember anything else eh :/
So, photo spam!

She's helping me to tie bun! :>

Nyssa's back view.

She looked so Rock & Roll!

Went to Starbucks after Camwhoring. Decided to disturb two strangers. HAHAH.

I found out something. Nyssa loves Java Chip, too! :D

These two photos are taken when we went to Chomp Chomp!
"Da lang, Da lang...."

I guess that's the end of this post. There's soooooo much more to blog about but I'm just late for the Steamboat party! Supposed to reach Brandon's house @ like, 6pm but it's 7.33 now! :S

Oki, tata!