Sunday, January 31, 2010


HAHAHAH! It's been eons since I've blogged! I'mma start all these way back on the 25th January. This week has been hectic man! So yeah, here goes.

Name : Allan Ng Yuan Da
Birth Date : 25th January 1993
Relation : Daddy.

It's daddy's birthday on the 25th this month and a few Peicai lao-jiaos(old bird) had a casual celebration by just hanging out, chatting about the old times and stuffs! Headed to Ubber before cabbing home! :D

A few photos for that day...




 Gayness. Daddy says he likes wearing that black specs, cause it makes him look slutty. HAH.

 Yeah, they seesha-ed!


I love this. Sadly, it's blurr! :(







 Yes, that's us in candid!


 Oopsy. Wrong place! But anyway, we're seventeen! :D

Because after 25th January, up next will be 26th January!

I'm not gonna post about what happened on my birthday till I get those pictures from Vanessa!

Yeah, and a few days later will be 28th January.

 This idiot's birthday! LOL.
I'll fill in details on The Adventure of Sebastian the Pink Gay on the next post. :)

 Meanwhile, a bunch of us celebrated Sebastian's birthday belated on Saturday, 30th January.

ECP > Steamboat > Fish Spa > Awesome dessert > Cabbed home.

I went to ECP late as usual. Lol, my tardiness is superb man! Missed out all the fun!! >;( I heard they bought flour and eggs to have some baking done. Yeah, they baked Sebastian! Sigh, missed out everything neh!!!

Anyway, hope that idiot had fun! :)

Afterwhich, they got themselves cleaned up and headed to have some Steamboat for dinner. It was yums! (L)

Nope, it's not a guy, but a girl! It's..

Well, I reckon I'm some sort of a big eater, probably cause one of my hobby is eating? HEY, to be able to enjoy proper food is a blessing okay! Oki, back to my story, the others were all about-to-burst-anytime-kinda-feeling and they stopped eating while Peixuan and I happily stuffed marinated beef, chicken, slices of fish into our greedy mouths. Yeah, we're gluttons. :D I helped myself to three balls of ice cream before moving on to our next destination.

 Well, most went home after the sumptious dinner. Hmm, and then... I saw these two words that attracted me! "FISH SPA", declaring loudly on the glass door for the world to see. Yeah! In the end, Sebastian, Sylvester, Peixuan, Jason and I were the only warriors left to battle against the annoyingly ticklish yet benefit-our-sexaye-legs fishes. 

FYI : 
10 minutes > 8 bucks.
30 minutes > 15 bucks.
During weekends, only the 30 minutes was available.
But they had a promotion, whereby everyone had to pay 10 bucks each for 30 minutes, but have to buy their Snow Flake Dessert. Yeah, the Fish Spa and the Dessert thingy are joined.

Oki, back to the story, it's the first time those three boys experienced Fish Spa. Quite a joy to see their funneh reactions! Bastian and Vester were lousy! Okay, me too.... But I don't remember it was that itchy the first time I tried it @ Bishan!!!

So...... The three of us screamed and laughed our hardest, fighting against the itch those little fishies inflicted upon us. Eh, trust me. It's REALLY itchy and scary to see them nibbling on your feet, in between your toes....... Yikes! Peixuan was the bravest among us all! I think she could opt for being the Sergeant the next time we have another battle again. She's really good! Jason, too! Initially, he was afraid but gradually, he learnt to be like Peixuan. He could be the General uh.

 Okay, time for pictures!


 I failed to capture his "constipated" face while fending off those fishes. LOL!

 There, our Sergeant! So calm and brave!


Can you see those fishies?
Don't be deceived by their innocent and harmless appearance! They're actually very, very cunning one uh!! They're capable of making you laugh, yet tear. Beware!

Fishies feeding on the dead skins on Bastian's hands.

Yuppyupp, we went for the promotion thingy and was forced to have some dessert we thought were typical but were proved wrong!

There are many flavours and toppings to choose from and they simply taste heavenly!!!
The feeling's like, once you put it in your mouth, it immediately meltxzxzx and you will begin to enjoy each mouthful you take! Savour, taste and feel the sweetness, that flavour OHMYGOODNESS. I feel like eating manxzxzxzx!

Milk flavoured with Rainbow Sprinkles. (L)(L)(L)(L)(L)

Chocolate flavoured with Hershey's chocolate sauce! Tastes like HL Chocolate Milk, LOL.

Then Vester and Bastian's boredom got the better of them and they started camwhoring with my cam!!!! -.-

THIS .____.
Vester spammed this same picture with that same look, same smile, same teeth and same specs for like, twenty times?! I deleted ALOT. Seriously, including blurred ones, clear ones. This was the best I found among the twenty odd.

And he moved on to this face. Luckily, he took only five shots of this same face.


His signature face for being a retard.

Jason and Vester. :)


(Ignore me in the background.)


Jason eating the yummy dessert!

Bastian was another one! T-T
He camwhored for around 10 shots... At least, better than Vester. But still!!


Compare up, compare down!

two months back, Vester's hair looks like this, nerdy! His hair grows so fast eh.

Anyway, I found out something really really cool in cabs nowadays! They have this mini television for customers to enjoy so that it will not be another typical and boring ride! There's many types of discs to choose from, just ask from the Uncle. I chose the animated Mr.Bean series!



Hahah. I'm pretty sure that those discs will soon upgrade to channels! Then maybe I can watch HBO, or even channel 8 already! HAHAH. Oki, that's all for today's post. Stay tune for the next post! 
