Thursday, January 21, 2010


As I've promised, I'm flooding in this entry with pictures from the past few days! Let me warn you, this is gonn abe a super long post!

So, let's start from the day some of my ex-classmates and I went back Peicai to help Mdm Yusma decorate her personal classroom!

These are the people who helped including Nyssa. :) I love them man!

 Yeah, Nyssa's our photographer. She didn't want to take pictures because of her sudden outbreak of acne. LOL. She's so cute! Ohmygoodness.


We're as hardowrking as an ant! This is evidence. >;)

 Zaniel trying to smile but failed. HAH.


 Cut out a 'B' for Mdm Yusma's class 3B.

Nyssa and I left earlier and we headed over to Bishan. Camwhored on the bus.

First Attempt :

Failed miserably.

Second Attempt :

Well, took this while the bus stopped due to red traffic light. ._.

 At the end of the day, I bought theseeeeeeee.

 Sasa's having a promotion at that period. $3.90 each, buy 2 get 1 free.

 Marie coin pouch, because Mini Toons having a 50% discount!!
Nyssa said that I should get it, since they're having sales now @ just $6.50

Lastly, this cute little handphone strap thingy!
It was love at first sight, $5.90

Nyssa bought this for me as my birthday present, LOL. Such an ass.
I wanna get that Body Shop's Strawberry Body Butter! Cause they're also having a promotion @ only $19.90 now. Damnxzxzxzx.
Met the guys after my little outing/shopping with Nyssa. They brought me to JustAcia for dinner and it was marvellous! :D JustAcia is like the cheaper version of fine dining. It's super cheap, worth the money spent but doesn't taste that bad as well. Most importantly, there's free flow of drinks and ice cream!!!! (L)

My meal!
Fried Dory Fish bathed richly in mayo and cheese! (L)

Zaniel and Dekai.

 That's Elton trying to drink his Miso Soup.

XiongWei attempting to kiap a mouthful of rice.

DeKai's hair hungry for food.


After we finished, the guys went to have a game of bowling while I, being the good girl headed home! :>

Tried on the Lovely Strawberry mask I just bought.

Hahah! And since that day, I've been checking out Sasa and Etude for masks! LOL.
FYI : Etude is the shop where it's all pink inside with Lee Min Ho/Gu Jun Pyo forever standing outside.


Went out with an old friend on Tuesday. Had lotsa stuffs to catch up and update on!

Yuppyupp! It's this idiot, Xue Er! (L)

Being fans of ice cream waffles, we went to long-time-no-eat Gelare. To perfect our outing, it's Tuesday! Which means that, ice cream waffles are half-priced on every Tuesdays @ Gelare! Awesome yeah?

Choco fudge and Wild strawverry flavoured ice creams are yums!

I like Gelare ice creams. They are.... heavenly... Like, they can literally be stretched and their ice creams are sorta chewy. I don't know how to explain. You just have to try it for yourself and you get what I mean!

And as we strolled down the lanes of Suntec, we chanced upon this High Tea place which sells Macarons! Interested and curious to try out how pink Macarons tasted like ever since I saw it on sites, I bought the mini version! This small little box for $8.90 kay! Well, it doesn't really taste that nice lah. I'm gonna try the mama version!


Look at my Bangz Bangz! Vanessa was my hair stylist! LOL.

Was fun catching up with her uh. :) Both of us are quite similar. We would spent most of our money on food rather than on fashion/clothes etc. I likey likey!

Yeah, meet up soon again, girl! Call me. Hah.


These are just some very random and outdated pictures.

Cecilia Ahern's Thanks for the Memories. Cool, the f-word could be found in this type of books too.

Firstly, just check out that HUGEASS hole. :(

and TADAH! :D I (L) my Dentist!

LOL, trust me. I went out looking like THAT. With two pony tails tied by Vanessa and later putting on a pink toy hairband I got from eating KFC's Chicky Meal. I played basketball looking like THAT, including the pink hairband too, after my KFC meal with Nyssa, Slyvester and co.

Two candid shots by Grayson. Yeah, I'm holding his iPhone.
Went out with him like, a week ago?

My adorable sister! (L)

Stepmum, with Daddy in the background.
LOL, look @ my dad's bulging tummy! :D Anyway, does Xinyi resembles my stepmum? Have right! Duh, they're blood related leh! Okay, stop talking to yourself.

Xiu Ying's 21st Birthday.

Yeah, I wore my prom dress.


Shepherd :)

Apparently, I like this picture! :>

He's still taller than me despite wearing my booties! ._.

Classic. Hahah!

Suddenly missed Weijie eh! He's my close friend in church and we shared secrets and stuffs. We can even sleep together! LOL, we're that close. Well, but that's all in the past. We still talk whenever we see each other. Love him!!



Met Beishi and Vanessa first and headed to Far East to get my stuffs. Sadly, can't find any! :S Then cabbed over to East Coast for Steamboat! Met up with many many people!

White Prince. Bai Ma Wang Zi. LOL.

Bestie. 4 years of friendship and still counting on!
I still remembered how we first talked to each other. It was during our Secondary one days and we both sat the same bus, 853. I fell asleep in my seat and when we reached our stop, Vanessa woke me and I thanked her. Yeah, we were block neighbours. From that day on, we slowly talked, and went home with each other! :D

I like him! Ben! :D Cause he's guai. Hahah.

Vester and Yizhen doing what ah?! HAHAHAH. :D

Twist Twist! (Y)

Go-go peh!

Err, no comments.



Yes, that's Damian wearing my red ribbon hairband!!

Check out the spicy Tom Yam Soup!! And Aaron! LOL.

Bryan. :>


I'm done with this post! :D
Gonna turn in now. Toodles!