Friday, January 8, 2010

Temporary, or permanent?

Worldly riches. Temporary happiness. Selfish desires.
Heavenly treasures. Permanent joy.

Obviously, one would rather choose the latter. However, we do not see it and thus, not believing it. The world is corrupted and everywhere is promoting sex be it magazines, music, movies, internet, everywhere. However, this world gives us happiness and pleasure. Like, the phone that you've been eyeing for a long time. That cute dress you want to buy. And of course not forgetting money.

Brother talked to me today. Yeah, I found it logical and nodded my heart in agreement deep down in my heart. The problem is, my heart is still not yet prepared to return back to church. :/ I'm thankful that the Lord is gracious and merciful.

Each time I return back to church, I backslide. Lol. Perhaps it's because I cannot see. I'm blinded by what this world has to offer. Moreover, the things that this world offered are here. They are all around and I can see it, whereas heavenly treasures are not.

This is so frustrating!

Sigh. Anyway, diverting myself away from this dilemma I'm in, I chanced upon this verse from my brother's bible that's lying on his desk. It's wide open with many colours due to his highlights. Obviously, I only noticed the pink highlighted quote which goes,

"Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst. give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head."
                                                                                                   Romans 12 : 19-20.               

HAHAHAH. I think I feel better! :D

Well, adding on some happy elements to my current ecstatic mood, I fell in love with this song titled, "By the Gentle Waters". It was love at first sight when Wenwen played this song on the flute while I sang it, looking at her scores. The lyrics goes like this.

By the gentle waters.
You will safely lead me.
In green pastures feed me.
Knowing what is best.

Though I often stray.
Wander far away.
I can hear you say.
"Come to me and rest".

Though the path be rough and rugged.
Though the trail be dark and steep.
Still the gentle shepherd, watches on his sheep.

Describes me! Hahah! I often stray and wander far away, and though my life sucks cause I'm without Him, he still watches over me. I know that He'll forsake me never and He's close beside me! :)

Yeah, I'll make a decision soon. Oh, and the answer to whether am I retaking O's or not is in the affirmative. Regardless whether my appeal to retaking in Peicai is rejected or accepted, I'm taking O's be it Peicai or private. And I suddenly have the urge to read!! Gonna borrow some books from Xue Er soon. :D