Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Went back to school and took my results. Well, it was what I expected anyway, so I'm not really sad about my results. Cause you reap what you sow, right?

Oh, and people are telling me what she wrote about me and I laughed. LOL, you made my toes laugh! I don't have the guts to come irritate you? HAHAHAHAHAH!

Well, you've been trying to irritate me for weeks but sadly for you, I'm not irritated at all. LOL. What for getting all angry and upset of what you have wrote? As long as I know that my conscience is clear, I don't have to give shit about what you say. Childish. I have better things to do. I rather use this energy on studying and reading my books, rather than on bitching about you back.

I'm no one to judge you. But seriously, stop playing this one-sided game just because you're bored. I rather you use this time to study and do maths worksheets and get prepared for your N's. I've already wasted one year, and I don't want to do the same thing again. You've already wasted two years eh. Being eighteen this year, can you prioritise on which is more important, rather than gossiping and ranting? I've woken up from my deep slumber which I've slept for so long. It's time for you to wake up too lah. But well, i guess this is going to fall on deaf ears.

I'm not upset about what you said about me, whether in your private or public blog. For what I come irritate you? For what I bitch back about you? For what I play this childish game with you? Cause I know that this is going to get me nowhere. It's endless. But if you want to continue this stupid one-sided game, go ahead. That probably just shows how immature you are.

And speaking of when I couldn't take comments to my face. Yeah, I admit that. And I kept complaining that your words were too harsh and etc. But later in the end, I found out that I was the one being so lame and childish and I created a blog and apologised to you, didn't I? I found out that you were concerned for me and so, those scoldings rained down on me. I knew I was wrong and I said sorry. You, accepted my apology and I guess that we're friends back then? However, we still have not broke the ice and thus, have not talked to each other yet.

Then someone told you we bought couple ring and you started bitching about me in your private blog, saying that I was a liar and "only couples get couple ring." Disappointing eh. You didn't even bother to ask me whether did I really bought a couple ring or whatsoever and there you go, saying nasty stuffs about me. Then when I questioned you why didn't you get the facts right, you said that I wasn't worth it, cause you've already lost your trust in me. Lol? You said that I'd probably bitched about you with Bryan and Vester and who knew what I'd said to them.

Hey, all these are what you thought only. You didn't even bother to find out what freaking happened. Besides, we're friends then, since I already said sorry to you and you accepted it. When I asked you out to come talk nicely and sort things out, you rejected. Saying that I'm not worth wasting time on, since I've already proved what a hypocrite etc I am. Again, you let other people colour your eye and judge me.
So are you a good friend, too?

Lol, back then, who asked her dad so that you could have a house to stay in when your dad chased you out? Then again, when you decided to be independent and wanted to stay at your grandma's house for period, you had huge quarrels with her and asked me if you could stay at my house permanently. Then again, who begged and pleaded for her dad to allow you to have a roof over your head? Eh, now you're living permanently eh. My dad kindly allowed. But you don't have pocket money and my grandma initially is not going to give you any either. Who talked and convinced her till her saliva was dry so that you would have five bucks everyday for school?

As for Bryan's and my case, I didn't lie to anyone. True, I did broke up with him but we're still doing what couples do like holding hands etc. Yeah, you might be wondering what's the difference then. However, since the status is not there, I'm not lying to any of you, whether it's my brother, father or whosoever. I'm decieving myself not anyone of you. As time goes by, O's getting nearer. I know myself that I'm going to retake my O's and I'm afraid that my no-status-relationship will distract me and thus, "broke-up". At the very least, we broke up with dignity and with our heads held high.

I learnt to priortise. Studies are my first number one most important thing now. Believe it or not, it's up to you.

As for other people who hated/dislike me that feels like killing me whenever they see me, you all have only heard her side of story. I'm not trying to say that who's in the wrong or right. Well, but do you guys even know what exactly happened before judging and condemning?

Whatever. Negative comments used to hurt me like I bited on a poisoned apple and would be emo and down the whole day. But now, nah. Cause it's simply too childish. Continue this one-sided game if you want then. Just telling you, I never hated anyone nor dislike anyone, including you.

Yeah, there's nothing else for me to say already. But still have to thank you for the times when you taught me about life and widen my eyes abit. So, good luck for your N's.