Sunday, January 10, 2010


Boxing was awesome. :D

But due to my laziness to train and work out, and with so much tempting delicacies all around me, my stamina dropped dramatiscally. :/ With an empty stomach and those fatness, I only managed to run 2 rounds when we're all supposed to run 4 rounds. HAHAH. Moreover, running 4 rounds were only the warm-up. -.-

FYI : 2 rounds is close to 2km, 4 rounds is more than 3km.

And we did basics. Yeah, everyone hate basics. Jabbed(sp?) for an hour kay! ._. I hope I can lose some weight soon! Luckily I don't have double chin, cause that's the maximum for fatness!

This club is quite popular eh?

Preparing for some sprinting!

Run baby run~ Don't ever look back....


Allan preparing to spar with some guy.

All geared up!

Hon En preparing for sparring too.

Hon En's spar.

The coach is the guy holding a 1.5 litre water bottle. He's mad friendly and funny!

Vester and I! :D

Training equipments.


And this is a short clip of Allan's spar. Enjoy :)

Yuppyupp, so that's how my day went for today. :)
And I watched Enchanted @ Disney Channel ! (L) Princess story, LOL.

Well, I'm getting my O'level results soon and I've already predicted what my results are gonna be which results in my relax-ness. Hah!

On a sidenote, I like to be Chihuahua. LOL.

I found out how evil people can get. But the worst of all will be the mouth that blabbers hateful words and gossips non-stop, interefering and minding other people's life, on what the latest updates are and stuffs. Seriously, these people should learn how to MYOB.

Tolerance. Yeah, Vengeance not, and don't give in to wrath, for the Lord will repay. :)

Hahah! For something random yet interestingly funny..

 remind me of something and someone! ;)
Hmm, it seems that Hotdogs has many uses eh.


I'm craving for some hotdog buns now. Yum yum!

Edited : I just ate a hotdog bun! :D