Saturday, October 17, 2009


I seriously think that my blog is abandoned! It all comes down to my brother, pfft! He misplaced his lappy's charger and so, he used mine, leaving my lappy hunger for energy&battery, resulting in me not being able to use my lappy and hence, not being able to blog for days! I've so much to blog about but my memory's failing me! It's so infuriating! Yeah, people who know me will know that I have STM.

But luckily, I have pictures to refresh my brain abit, heheh.

I like his hair that day! So style, so cool. I asked him to take off his specs, look more man. HAHAH.

Yeah, we're on bus 107 and we're all hungry for zombiessssss. Headed to the Indian $1.50 lan shop and played. On the bus there, I disturbed some people without them knowing, hopefully?

I asked Vester to help me take those two guys while I act as his model to make it less obvious. Hahah!

Heheh! I digged his nose! LOL, the photo taking was both tedious and hilarious!

And this girl. Hahah, just felt like taking a picture of her.

LOL, shit. I think I'm getting this love-to-disturb-people-disease from Nyssa already!

Yeah. I seriously have no sense of urgency. O's in like, ten days time and I can be out playing L4D with a relax mood some more. I always fail to set my priorities right. Sigh, somebody call 911! However, Mr.Fahmy is coming over to my house to revise Lit and Eng with me! Not bad, I have caring teachers. :D

Uhm, moving on.

These are pictures taken for researching on my project. Yeah, I'm out finding materials for it with Beebee and Jonneh! Heheh ;)


While walking along those lanes, JiahuiBeebee found this machine that sells girly pink stuffs. SO COOL LAH!!!

And while finding materials for my project, we found cool stuffs! Too bad, Singapore don't celebrate Halloween. :(

We saw these cool white masks too! And white masks immediately reminds us of....

AWESOME! Maybe Beebee and I performing for next year Ignite and we could use these masks...

Beebee shouting at me!

Still got loads more picture and events but I forgot. Lol :/

I'll try to post soon!