Friday, September 4, 2009

Guys are jerks.

I've met a jerk. Now it's Jiahui's turn to meet one. Seriously. But I have to admit not all guys are jerks lah. Well, just most of them are! So irritating to know their evil plots and motives man, seriously. And it hurts to see her sad. She's always been the optimistic and cheerful idiot lah. First time see her like that eh.

Anyway, english paper was not bad today, except for summary. My summary cocked up! :( But vocab was superbly easy this time round. Words were easy peasy lemon squeezy such as, "eliminate", "mimic". What the heck right?! But good, can score. ;)

Uhm, tomorrow having Social studies. Not confident eh, as I never really study. I only know the format and pattern to do it, never practise it. Hopefully SEQ's question will be on Venice!

Alright, gotta go sleep already. It's 1:57am now and I'm still not sleeping!