Friday, August 21, 2009


Today's sucha boring day, all because of stupid owl. Still thought I could bake! Irritating. And I didn't went to Teresa's house for partying, cause I thought I might want to do some maths questions to stimulate my brain cells after so many days of skipping school. Well, I only went to school 3 days this week. Skipped Tuesday and today. Eh, but I was late for all the 3 days anyway.

Low Jiaxin! Can you at least be early for school for like, one pathetic day?! ARGH.

Yawns. Ben Ang recommends me to just quit school. HAHAH.

But that's beside the point of my topic for this entry today. I'm gonna show you guys pictures of me evoluting! Hah. ;) But, only from sec 3 till now, a year only eh. Lol.

This was how I looked when I was still a typical and retarded toot-toot sec 3 girl, wearing that weird pink specs with fringe neatly clipped up, showing off my ever-so-ready radiant and glowing forehead! LOLLL. My hair that time damn long eh! All the way till my hip. :O Yes, it was that long!

Me looking a tad bit better like an ahlian supermodel without those retarded pink specs, with shirt awfully tucked out.

Ahah, you wouldn't want to see me with my hair let down! Horrendous :( Korkor say I look like his all time favourite cartoon movie, Lion King when my hair was long and let down. >:(

But somehow, I went for a haircut and reborned my hair around late November(?) in the year 2008 to welcome school and changed for a new look, looking like this!

Not Lion King anymore!! >;)

Hair length was shortened by two times! From hip till above image.

This picture was taken a month(?) ago. Yeah, I grew fatter, I know!

Fat = Cute. Fullstop.

Hmm, then I cut my fringe to Bangz! (L)

Look @ those dark eye circles! Proof for burning the midnight oil. HAHAHAH!

And I love this picture, I don't know why. I edited the colour thingy so that it looked more lively. Eheh, so... Did my stupid face change? I showed Jiahui my primary school picture and she said it looks just like my sister, Wenwen. WALAO! That means Wenwen now looked cute eh! >:(


You had me crawling for you honey and it never would have gone away, no.
You used to shine so bright but I watched all of it fade.