Saturday, July 18, 2009


Asyraf brought back my sunshine when my sunshine was thrown into Atlantic Ocean, got eaten and later digested by sharks!! THANKS! :D

He gave me sunshine by writing this poem for me! HAHAH.

All her friends are teasing her because she's fat,
Now she have low self-esteem wearing a silhouette.
Trying everything she could to look her best,
And the best she could trying to impress.
Was the reflection of the mirror really her,
Or was it her delusional mind wanting it to appear.
Now she in a zone where she all sad and down,
And everytime she smiles it turns to frown.
She questions her friends about her weight,
And when they tell the truth, she just can't relate.
Cause she thinks all her friends are saying she's fat,
So when someone says no,she can't accept that fact.
The photos in her blog, she covered up her face,
Thus seen as a problem, could be a mental case.
Cause she looks fine as appeared in my eyes,
Could'nt see no glitches, no wrongs or disguise.
No im not lying, cause I know its a sin,

Even if you think you fat,there is still beauty within..
you're not fat..haha..:)

So cooooool! Love you to the max man! <3