Friday, July 17, 2009

Racial Harmony.

Had an enjoyable time in school today as the whole school celebrated Racial Harmony. There were no lessons and we are all allowed to bring phones to school! Finally, can pick up calls and text freely without having the fear of getting our phones confiscated. Ahh, shiokness.

Anyway, I wore sari! Racial harmony was spent wearing boring everyday p.e attire and uniforms for the past three years. And I gathered my courage to wear a revealing sari this year! TEEHEEE.


Act cool-ing.

Act cute-ing with Asyraf!

My form teacher, Mdm Yusma. ;)

Left to right : Aaron, Kent, George.

Aaron and I!

All the girls in our class.
Left to right : Leticia, Georgia, SokHong, Joey, PeiEn, MdmYusma, Nyssa, Me, Siti, Miaoshan & Yongyong.

I'm being good kay! I cover so you guys will not puke or have no appetite for the next 2 weeks!

SHE PRETTY RIGHT?! I feel like a weed beside her. So puny. LOL.

So after school has dismissed, these 8 girls went to sing K at JooSeng!

Left to right : Joey, Ningmin, Me, Christine, Vanessa, Beishi, Wenwen & Meisian.

HAH. This is the reason why I kept covering my face. F-A-T. Or is it the angle? OKAY LAH. I know lah!!! Not the angle lah..... i AM fat...

Damn funny. After singing, went mac and played Dora the Explorer Uno cards!! The loser had to do punishment. First person to lose was Beishi!

Beishi's forfeit : Clean the windows of Macdonald's.

& this is a video of her doing the forfeit.

As for the final round, there's only one winner and the rest were losers. Forfeit was to do aerobics at the playground. Damn paiseh kay! So many people watching lah.

There's still alot more losers and videos. Visit Meisian to watch more!

As you can see, my sister was the "W" with happy face while the rest were "L-s" with sad faces.

There's still alot more peekcheers lah! But it's in Nyssa's camera. Will upload it once I get the peekcheers!

That's all. Goodbye. :)