Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Republic Poly


Oh no oh no, oh dear oh dear. First days suck! It feels so awkward to be placed in a new environment with tonnes of people around you yet all feel so foreign & alien. I wonder what awaits me in RP! I wanna make girl friends and we'll probably be like,


And then we'll gee-gee-gee-gee together LOL. Hmm, they say birds of the same feather flock together though, and I don't really make-up or go shopping always. I'm not those girly girly girls like my boob friend!

So I probably won't get to gee-gee-gee-gee afterall! Well, I remembered I saw this quote on Twitter and posted on Facebook, "I wish I could kill the sexiest person alive but suicide is a crime. *flips hair* "

So I will probably have friends that are sexy cause we are of the same feathers!

LOL, joking lah.

The reason why I wanna make more girl friends is cause during my Secondary school years, I'm like, always around boys. I'm superbly tomboy I swear! Though playing basketball is not a crime for girls, but who the heck plays EVERYDAY after school till 6pm, until the security guard a.k.a bulldog (cause he look like one and thus, the nickname) chases us out by using his whistle and he'll go like, "peeeeee peeeee!* out Out OUT!". Yeah, me. But don't play play hor, I'm a shooter okeh! And I look like this during my younger days. LOL :/

With tied up long hair that hasn't been cut for who knows how long, pinning up my fringe and wearing my pink specs, I'm ready for school already. I can get prepared in like, 10 minutes. While the other girls are obsessed with foundations and clothes, I'm obsessed with basketball and One Piece instead. Omg, can't believe how boyish I was, no wonder 90% of my friends are boys. Yes, birds of the same feather DO flock together. I do have a few good girlfriends and they are beyond awesome!

HAHAHA, I thought of Nyssa and I! 

We played catching before even when it was lesson time at our holding school when our school was under renovation. Of course it was during free period, like when relief teacher came over and relieved. As our classroom was on the fourth floor, we ran around in circles like this!

Ahhh, times like those. Miss em'! Oh yeah, I got off track heehee. As I was saying, I'm the tomboy sports girl, which probably explains why I'm taking Outdoor and Adventure Learning course in Republic Poly now? OKEH OKEH, my O's were not that great either... I got 26 so I kinda have no choice as well LOLOL. To add on, it's been so long since I last exercise so you know... grew horizontally abit uh... EH, I grew vertically too okeh! From 166 to 171 hor! *defensive*

SO! Wanna try what it's like to be in an all girls clique. SOUNDS KEWL. Maybe I'll have girl friends boyboy yet can girlgirl at the same time like me?! Or I'll have cheeky, playful friends, or childish friends! Remember the birds flocking theory? LOL, yes I'm childish for my age.

You know what? I just realized that worrying so much is useless LOL. Let nature take its course!

"There are no strangers in this world. Only friends that you have yet to meet."

This quote was on a poster on the back of the girl's toilet cubicle door. I miss Secondary school man. So you people out there, CHERISH your youth okeh. And just havoc only! Cause no matter how much you play and havoc, you can't get your ass in deep shit. Seriously. At most only go Ms.Ming's office sit sit LOL.

Okeh enough of bird bird language. I'mma sleep now, have to wake up early tomorrow. Nights guys!
