Saturday, June 20, 2009


After saying and watching the drama for 3 consequetive days, I realised I've forgot an awesome person. And that's my wonderful Father, my God.

I've been keeping my focus on Boys Over Flowers, concentrating and giving my 100% watching it, but I failed to read the bible, neglecting God. :(
To think of it now, I've never given my 100% to God before!

Hah, how easy it is to stumble and fall! The devil is indeed powerful.
"But should I stumble againn, still I'm caught in your grace."

He is so merciful and so forgiving and yet, I can neglect the only person that would die for me, to cleanse me from my sins through his blood by dying on the cross when he did nothing to deserve the tortures and insults.

*Video took from one of Carol's post, titled "How much He did."

This is a video on how the roman soldiers spat at Jesus, insulted and whipped Him with a whip that has hooks at the end so that the hooks would tear His flesh away shown in the video above. Where those soldiers put on a crown made out of thorns just to mock Him.

& this is a picture to give you guys an idea how the whip was like. It don't look exactly like that, but got hooks at the tip of the whip de uh.

Can you imagine?! A bloody body after being whipped 39 times, has to take in the insults and mockings somemore, as if the whippings are not enough, just for one reason. And that reason was us.

But people will wonder,"Why would Jesus die for us? For?"
The reason is really simple. Because He loved us.

Jesus' love for us went to the extent that even before He breathed His last on that cross, He still prayed to God, "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing." Luke 23 :34. Even when he's suffering and nailed to the cross, instead of bearing hatred for those that mocked Him, He still thought of them!

He died on the cross for us, so that we could be freed from sin and go to heaven when we die. As heaven is a perfect place, sin then became an obstacle for us to go to heaven. Thus, in order to go to heaven, we must be sinless! Simple as ABC. Therefore, God sent his son, Jesus to die for us so that his blood may cleanse us from our sins, that we may be perfect and sinless then could we go to heaven.

We could all go to heaven, regardless of language, race, or your skin colour! As long as you believe, have faith and trust in Him that He saved you, He died on the cross for you.
You are not saved by the good works you had done, how many people you had shared the gospel to and how many years you had served Him, but just by faith alone. Purely faith, so long as you trust in Him.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16

Also, people always say this. "You ask Jesus come down or show me miracle then I believe in him lah. I see then I believe." Well, here's a question for you to think.
Can you see your own heart? No.
But can you feel your heart? Yes!
Unless you're a zombie from L4D then you can't feel your heartbeat lah.

Although we're unable to see our God, but we can feel Him. You get what I'm saying?

Yes, this is my God. Tattered and torn after being abused. On the actual scene, it's much much more worse than this! :(

"So, what's your attitude after knowing what He did for you?" My brother once asked me. So now it's my turn. What's your attitude then?

We loved Him, cause He first loved us.

"We are the reason that He gave his life.
We are the reason that He suffered and died.
To a world that was lost, He gave all He could give.
To show us the reason to live." Lyrics from the song, We are the reason.

I hoped this post blessed your hearts, just like how His great and mighty love has encouraged and woke me up. :)