Saturday, June 27, 2009


Went Yanrong's house for a final BBQ and friends gathering as he's moving his house to somewhere in Hougang already. I SAW BILLYYY! It's been ages since I saw him lah. Anyway, the BBQ was on monday and yes I know, abit slow to post uh.

Uhm, I managed to take one picture with my lousy yet pretty phone.

Jingle, or Ginger, whatever is that dog's name, looking at George with her act cute & pityful eyes while George is busy concentrating eating away the delicious chicken wing, ignoring the poor dog!

Eat, talk, act cute, watch DVD, home.

Eheh, and here's a lil' pictures of me @ Jessie's & Malcom's wedding.

Benji and the act innocent me!


My knight in shining armour! LOL.

Blurred Joseph.

There! The newly weds. :)


Okay, i want go watch One Piece already!

Sayonara. ;)