Sunday, April 12, 2009

One word to describe you.


*Vic, I didn't mean to get you involved in this. My apologies.

To think that you'd even treat this way to your own brother. YOUR OWN BROTHER LEH. Although no blood relation is involved, but you guys are one clique of brothers leh. Any ideas on how devastated he is?!

To put things between us in an ugly way, you dumped me in a different point of view although I'm the one who broke off with you on the surface. The reason you and Vic broke was somehow because of me, and we broke because of C. I'm not bias against you just cause you "dumped" me, I don't want to blog about you at all, but I really cannot tolerate the way you treat people.

You said that your liking of Vic was merely a crush, and the last two days that you liked her, which was 5th & 6th of Feb to be exact, you had already liked me. So that means when you were with Vic, you had already liked me.

Honeyed words. The truth was that your feelings for Vic was fading and the thought of you being lonely left you choosing me! Cause I looked pretty in your eyes at that point of time and so, you decided to try it out.

"Love can be nurtured."
Does this sentence, if said in chinese, familiar to you? Don't tell me you forgot and did not said that, I'm not a 3 year old. So by this, I can therefore conclude that you lied to me, that you never liked me, that I'm just a toy for you to satisfy your needs and the rubbish-sweet-words you said was to in hope, can get me.

Do you readers linked up the words he said(in blue) and the point I gave(in orange) above now? Makes sense right.


You treated us as toys. We're made out of flesh and blood. We're not toys that has no feelings and for you to play with! "You want to play go playground play." Fact is, you've already played enough and is getting tired of the toy. Thus, finding new "toys". Fine, we're stupid enough to believe you. You deceived us ruthlessly. But as if the way you're treating us is not sufficient to make blood boils and putting your reputaiton at risk! Okay, let's just brush aside Vic's and my case. What about your brother?!

A brother that slacks with you. A brother that has been with you all this while. A brother that you'll share your secrets to. You actually knew that he loved C, and yet, you still snatched away. How? You guys may say. By texting sweet stuffs and those don't-really-mean-it-bullshit kind of words in order to get the "toy". I think you and C are already together, that's why you will ask your that brother(?) to let you have C. LOL, I'm like replaying the scenarios, cause this happened to me, too. Hi-5, C !

You're really such a peculiar guy. The way you act, so strange & funny. You did this not only to Vic, but also to me. So if one day C cry her eyes out on how you "dumped" C for another girl, I won't be surprised, and neither will other friends be.

Cause by all this evidences, you're the type of guy that see looks. Confirm one day, you'll see another girl prettier than C. Then maybe the cycle will repeat itself again?

Anyway, you're quite a lucky guy eh?

1st Feb-6th Feb ; Victoria.
7th Feb-9th April ; Jiaxin.
10th/11th April~ ; C.

LOL, awesome!

"Let me have her lah... I really love her alot...." bastard says to brother(?).

Whatever ? *shrugs shoulders.

Because of that temporary thrill you get from having C, the excitement you get from toying her feelings, you abandoned your brother(?).

Stupid, BODOH!

Anyway, this entry is not posted to break bastard and C up. I'm just ranting. & don't forget, this is MY blog.

This is how I feel, my opinion. Others can choose not to believe it but if they do, that's not my problem. My blog, my online diary, my thoughts, my feelings. I never take a knife and threaten you readers to type "" uh. You people enter this site willingly. Yeah.