Monday, April 13, 2009


It seems that things have been pretty bad now. News spread like wild fire and in a twinkling of an eye, majority of the school seemed to know about it.

Maybe, it's a mistake that this relationship started? Nothing would have happened, but reality heartlessly told you it did. I think you also hacked care those memories and threw it into Atlantic ocean that it sunk onto the bottom of the sea, ate by sharks and the sharks digested it. Nothing can make your reputation well and fine like before. Not even jumping into the Yellow River.

I wonder, perhaps, I'm the reason that got you into this kind of deep shitz. If I didn't blogged on that particular post, things would have just turn out fine and awesome?

Empathy. I tried to empathize, I really did. But you guys kept letting me down. Liar liar, pants on fire. Shall not say anymore.

The day before yesterday's night, you called me and confronted me. You said you're unhappy with the things I blogged in my previous post and confidently told me that there's more to it than meets the eye, that I don't know alot of things then anyhow ruin your reputation.

I actually believed you again, resulting in me, feeling guilty.

Damn, I'm always so dumb, so naiive. Always got duped, deceived again and again and again. When will I be clever like 霹雳MIT's 007?!


You asked this, "So now you know that you're in the wrong, don't you think that you owe C and I an apology?"

Well, let me just tell you this. I will not apologize, cause I found out that you lied again. You should know it yourself. If you have anything you're not satisfied about again, just straight come find me. I'm always in Peicai Secondary School, class 4E, from Monday to Friday, by 8am. Or if you're shy, I'm just eight numbers away.

But seriously, why should I apologize for what you did?

Oh, and I think that I've had not had a good sleep after these events happened, that panda eyes are saying hello to me now! Shitzxzxzz, I'm ruining my beauty because of him. HAHAHAHAAA. So bimbotic!

Okay, moving on to less-irritating stuffs, I stayed in 4B the period after my recess and took pictures with Sylvester! He had a new nickname called, TheBetter. HAHAH, so cute right.





Disgusted by his retarded-ness.

I forced him to do this pose! *winks.