Saturday, April 11, 2009


Homed at 11.11pm. Let the pictures do the talking. Lazy to type.
And and, i saw his 背影 at central after JooSeng-ing.

Vanessa Tam

Jacqueline Tan

Ambushing to scare Vanessa!


Muack muack! :)

11 Layers of myself.

Vivianlowjiawen, this is the quiz I promised!

LAYER ONE: On The Outside
# Name: Low Jia Xin
# Birth date: 26th January 1993
# Current location: Singapore.
# Eye Colour: Black
# Hair colour: Black
# Righty or Lefty: Righty
# Zodiac Sign: Aquarius/Rooster.

LAYER TWO: On The Inside
# Your heritage: Shyt, english fail..
# Your fears: Cooking. LOL
# Your weakness: Cry baby, sensitive. :)
# Your ambition: Air Stewardess.

LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
# Your thoughts first waking up: Wanting to sleep more.
# Your best physical feature: Everything. HAHAH.
# Your bedtime: 12a.m?
# Your most missed memory: Shut up. Stop making me sad.

# Pepsi or coke: Coke.
# McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's.
# Single or group dates: Group dates.
# Adidas or Nike: Adidas.
# LiptonTea or Nestea: Nestea.
# Chocolate or vanilla: CHOCOLATES.
# Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino.

# Smoke: Nah.
# Take a shower: Duh?
# Have a crush: Not now. Cause it's ♥
# Think you've been in love: Not think, already am.
# Want to get married: Planned with him before, but...
# Believe in youself: Yeah.
# Think that you are a healthy freak: Sometimes?

LAYER SIX: In The Past Month
# Drank alcohol: Beishi's birthday.
#Gone to the mall: Yesterday.
#Been on stage: Nope.
#Eaten Sushi: Sakae Sushi yesterday.
#Been dumped: LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.............
#Gone skating: Nope.
#Dyed your hair: Nope.

LAYER SEVEN: Have You Ever
#Played a stripping game: Nah.
#Gotten beaten up: Who dares?
#Changed who you were to fit in: That's dumb.

LAYER EIGHT: Getting Old
#Age your hoping to be married: 24.

LAYER NINE: In Girl/ In Guy
#Best eye color: Black, dark brown.
#Best hair color: Black.
#Short or long hair: Short.

LAYER TEN: What Are You Doing
#1 minute ago: Doing this quiz.
#1 hour ago: Sleeping.
#1 day ago: Sakae sushi.
#1year ago: Schooling, too.

LAYER ELEVEN: Finish the sentence
# I love - Shut up.
# I feel - Buzz off.
# I hate - Tobacco.
# I hide - When I'm afraid or ashamed of something/someone.
# I miss - The past.
# I need - This quiz sucks man -.-
# I afraid of - Cockroaches, heights & fire.
