Thursday, April 9, 2009

I. Am. Officially. Single! :)

Cry baby, cry cry cry.
Where's our Venice, Thailand, spaghetti?
All the words, lies?
"Why do you do this so, easily?"
It's just part and parcel of life.
Get a life already.

Don't feel guilty and avoid me,
cause that will make you a total loser.
I hope we're still friends! Yeah?

Thanks a million, my dear friends, for being there,
for those concern. ♥

And, Sylvester's shoulders cost $2.50 only!!
HAHAH, inside joke. :)

Girlfriend, BIG BIG THANK YOU. I ♥ you loads.
"Want play go playground play."
This sentence brightened me up lah!
You're soooo cute. MUACK.

Vanessa, thanks for understanding everything.
You've gone through what I did. HAHA. You know what this means right.

Andy, thanks! Thanks for helping, if not I won't know what's going on already.
Short pain is better than long pain. HAH.

Sylvester. My son :)
I'll use your shoulder one day. Maybe monday?

Qiqiu, thanks for the wise words you gave. Made me looked things in a brighter side!

George, another one that I could trust my secrets to.
"You're always there for me."
You know it yourself, yeah? AH-LEE-GAH-TOH!

HOOT HOOT, Owls hoot.
The GREAT one... Thanks for your concern lah, idiot.
Joey and Renjing too!

Appreciate all of it! ♥

She's always with me and she cares for me alot, alot.
Thanks mei, for the cookie and those free hugs!
Hah, I remembered she cried when I threatened to cut myself. LOL!

Anyway, I think that I'm so attention seeking. Damn. Break-up only, big fuss meh?
But, I really want to thank them, for the care and concern when I needed it most.
So must post up their big big names!
I feel that I'm a pathetic loser right now, na, na. TEEHEEE.

On a brighter side, this also means that I can play and go out with guys right?
L4D with George and Junhao.
Movies with the last time clique.
Ice-cream with Pakcheong!
Freedom life.

So, idiot, if you happen to read this, really, don't feel bad.
Cause I'm living a perfectly wonderful life. :)
I'm fine without you, too.

In any way, I must still really thank you.
For the sweet times.
For the times we spent together.
&, for EFFI! ♥
Well, you can keep Effi. I don't mind.
You can always return back to me if you want.

P.S : I'm NOT emo. And I think my eyes will swell real bad tomorrow. Anyway, I'm feeling fabulously awesome now! :D