Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Schooooool Boooooks!

Hey hey! Sorry never post yesterday. Cause i was unable to use the computer. Oh, i went back to school with Nyssa and we bought our Sec4 school books. Quite cheap lah, cause some of the textbooks used in Sec3 can be reused in Sec4 too. So the total amount is $57 blah blah.

Then Nyssa and I super cute lah. We wear almost the same and looked like twins(Don't see the face. Cause it's obvious that I'm prettier) lah. Uhm, Nyssa's dad came to buy books with Nyssa too. Then when we finish purchasing the books, Nyssa led me to her dad's mercedes. LOL, the mercedes is so cool lah -.- So cool that when i climbed in, i knocked my head onto a metal bar. EH, i'm tall okay-1.66cm was my last measured. Okay, actually it was a van lah. Cause Nyssa's mum run a childcare and so, the van's purpose was to pick up children.

Heehee, her dad then sent us to Kovan as we wanted to eat pizza hut. Her dad okay lah, quite friendly and talkable. Okay, reached Kovan and headed to pizza hut. Ordered this X'mas meal thingy that tasted nice. During the meal, Nyssa became high. Cause got this 2 guys that sat behind us later on and as there was a big piece of mirror on the side, the guy keep looking at the mirror to see us. Hah, then Nyssa keep suan the guy.
Nyssa : I think the guy right, so ugly then keep wanting to act cute. Hhahahaa

What an evil friend i have, but i like it. Hah! So we ate our lunch, walked down to Popular to buy stationaries and then proceed to the bus stop. Same bus mah, then later we talk some rubbish in the bus and waved goodbye.

But then right, when i reached home, my friend told me he's playing basketball at the Serangoon CC then asked me if i wanted to join him. Then i hastily agreed cause i wanted to play basketball badly. Haha! But then the funny thing is i saw Nyssa walking down some pathway near Serangoon MRT when i was on the bus. Called her and being the steady girl, she joined me for basketball as well.

So that afternoon ended by playing basketball till night. SO COOL LAH. Tatfu, Zhiquan, Wangwei and Zimeng came later too. Night came and my friend went home. Nyssa also want to go home le. So left the 5 of us. TATFU THE MONKEY IS FUNNY. We played match among ourself and then the 5 of us were divided into 2 groups, 2:3. Tatfu team with Zimeng, Wangwei and Zhiquan with me.

So got one ball is i scored in front of Tatfu's face and i shouted,"in-your-face!" and cheered alone loudly like some crazy woman. But then he "in-my-face" me like, five six times, while i only "in-your-face" him two times. -.-

Okay lah, i just "quarrelled" with squid. so fun! We keep debating on whose fault it is. Show you a little bit of conversation in MSN. I've changed his name to Squid instead of his real nick. Mysterious right! Hahaha :D

Squid says:
Squid says:
i win
SUNSHINEGIRL! (#) all the broken dreams, take everything. says:
Yah! precisely !
SUNSHINEGIRL! (#) all the broken dreams, take everything. says:

Squid says:
SUNSHINEGIRL! (#) all the broken dreams, take everything. says:
is just now you misunderstand leh.

Alright, i'm done with this post. (: