Monday, December 22, 2008

My girlfriend!

Went out with Nyssa, Zimeng and Pakcheong yesterday. Quite fun, we walked the whole orchard! Then walk halfway super tired liao -.-

Anyway, Nyssa and I bought alot of things while Zimeng and Pakcheong bought nothing at all. Boring guys.

Things Nyssa and I bought :
-An anklet.
-Rubber bands for school.
-Jeans material shorts.
-NUM backpack.

So excited for school next year lah. First time i went shopping for school stuffs instead of my own needs and wants. Well, quite cool lah. I also bought Nyssa's birthday present and she saw it! -.- Cause she said she like this purse thingy but there's alot of different patterns and she asked me to choose. I was so afraid that i'll choose the wrong pattern lah. Ask her to tell me which one she like she don't want. But in the end, i bought the correct one lah. HEEE.

As for Nyssa, she bought for me this pencil case that has the likes of a banana! I'm going to bring it to school man! Haha, retarded banana pencil case, but cute lah. And Nyssa was SUPER HIGH. She crazy, suddenly taught me alot of kindergarden songs with lame titles like "teacher, i love you." and "mother dont know what de lah". Also buey-paiseh one this girl. Sang the songs quite loudly and people were like looking at her with faces saying,"This girl is crazy". But she's funny okay.

So we decided to eat chomp chomp for dinner! Ordered stingray and cockles and shared among the four of us. I also realised that Nyssa eat weird things and Zimeng, Pakcheong and I agreed. Cause Zimeng and Pakchong ordered prawn noodles and the both of them forgot to ask the auntie to not put sotongs. Then when the two of them attempted to discard those ugly small eight sotong legs with circle pores on those legs, Nyssa was like"Give me! I eat." Haha! If it's the usual round rings of sotong at least it's not so disgusting lah. But those legs with ugly round thing, YUCK!

Haiyoh, that day is quite funny lah. Everytime go out with Nyssa confirm will brighten up my day. Don't know how to tell you guys how interesting it is, but.. HAHA, have to experience it in real life. Woohoo, i just love my girlfriend!

P.S:Actually, this is not a very interesting post. -.-