Monday, December 29, 2008

East Coast!

Belated happy birthday again, my dearest friend! It's Vanessa's birthday and i was invited to this east coast outing that the girlfriends organised. Well, it went quite successfully, haha! Frankly speaking, i didn't have a very good time lah. Many problems have been surfacing recently and things aren't going smoothly for me. Oh, and sorry for MIA-ing! Didn't have time to post and was busy the past couple of days.

Anyway, I happened to chance on this cloud when i was enjoying the sea breeze alone and peacefully in East Coast. I think it looked beautiful lah. :D

Yeah, needed time to think on the problems that has been troubling me and i was emotionally damaged. LOL, so i took a picture that falls into the category of "Emo"

Quite cool right, actually! Err, minus away the calefare people standing there, it would have been perfect! Hmm, I've been feeling better now lah. I want to thank the people that cheered me up. Thanks a million!

Also, that particular east coast night, i was still not home at 11+. Was with Vanessa and we were like talking about our problems and stuffs. Was talking to our hearts content until my dad called lah. "You better come home now!", "Now what time already?!" and BLAH BLAH BLAH. Irritating, he is quite self-centered lah. When i told him that i was consoling my friend whose birthday falls on that day itself, he didnt care. He's so not flexible and don't even care about my feelings and just wants me to go back home now, when there's no more last bus. Moreover, i told him that my friend offered to fetch Vanessa and I home by her dad's car but my dad still insisted,"I dont care. You better go home right now!" And he grounded me too.

Unreasonable right?! Out of anger, i took my bag and walked home by foot. Serangoon to Geylang Bahru, how cool is that huh! Of course, Vanessa didn't want me to go home alone and asked me to wait for her while she go and get her presents but I ignored her and walked away. Hah, you guys must think that I'm crazy. Pfft, but that walk made me felt better. Hundreds of stuffs were on my mind and I became paranoid lah. But still, felt good.

It was 1am when i finally got home. Feets were hurting and my hatred towards my dad grew. He just don't understand one lah. Showered, chatted, slept. The next morning, 28th I woke up and didn't want to see his face. So i called Vanessa and went to her house the whole day. Had lunch together and slacked in her small, but cosy room. Time flew and it was soon 11+. Dad called. Talked a while more before returning home. When i got home, he was using the computer, playing gunbound. Yes, a 43 or 44 year old playing gunbound. Wow. I didn't called him. Hah, it was basic manners to call the elders when one gets home. But just didn't lah.

Yeah. Still got alot things about him de lah. But this home that i lived in is not called a "home" anymore. Just a rooftop for me to sleep. My family is broken four years ago.

WEI, why so emo -.- i'm supposed to be happy. I'm SUNSHINEGIRL leh! okay, smile! :D Going to shower then go play ball le. :D Oh, and i changed phone with my friend. With his permission, i also added "bling bling!" on his phone.

WangWei is his name.

Pink bling blings on his phone, which I'm currently using.