Tuesday, October 14, 2008


pictures of that day!

hahaha, meisian, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
the nerdy specs.

yesterday was meisian's birthday and we went to ang mo kio's KFC to eat. initially was supposed to go do my hair treatment but the salon was not opened so we go celebrate meisian's birthday. the people who went were meisian, ningmin, cherie, vanessa, joey, christine, clarine, pakcheong, george, junhao and me.

it was hilarious when we ate KFC. we played the game, "one frog jumps into the pond, poom." after we ate finish and the loser had to do some forfeits. christine lost and she had to do... something (: hahahaha. secret. it was really retarded lah! anyway after that, we went to this open space to take pictures. undecisive on what we're doing later, cherie suggested playing this game that goes like... EXAMPLE. "yi xiang dao JIAXIN wo jiu xiang dao ke ai!" must got link de lah. HAHAHA.

after that, i taught the rest on how to play CHUCKIEEE! we formed a circle and sat down in the open space, acting uncivilise with so many pairs of eyes staring at us while we played shamelessly and bhb-ly. HEE.HEE.HEE.

okay, went home after that. THE END.